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Christianity has the most adherents globally, with over 2 billion followers.

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Q: Which religion today has the most adherents?
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What religion overshadowed Buddhism?

Buddhism is still a living religion today and is gaining in the number of adherents in many countries. It would appear that, to thee unbiased observer, no religion is overshadowing Buddhism. Adherents of other religions may point to their own religion as being superior to Buddhism.

What is the most devoted religion?

There is no such thing as a most devoted religion. It is the people that believe in it that are devoted. Each would claim their own adherents were the most devoted.

The religion with the most adherents?

By the grace of Allaah, presently, Islaam is the fastest growing religion in the world. The religion which is practised most is Christianity. Islaam got completely evolved at the time of Rasoolullaah (saws) and following its principles, more and more people are turning towards it.

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* Episcopalian * Eastern Orthodox * Eastern Catholicism * Ethiopian Orthodox * Egyptian Orthodox * Egyptian Catholic * Estonian Orthodox * Ebionites (no adherents today) * Elkasites (a sub-group of Ebionites) * Essenes (no adherents today)

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In the world today, there are 2.4 million Hindus. It is the religion with the third largest amount of adherents.

Where did Christianity settle?

Today, Christianity is a worldwide religion with approximately 2.1 billion adherents.

What religion has the most adherents Buddhism Christianity or Islam?

Answer This cannot be evaluated by us, and will be evaluated in the hereafter by God itself.

What religion predominates globally?

Christianity has the most adherents and its followers have the most power but Christians are really only 1/3 of the world's population.

What is the fourth most common religion in Australia?

The fourth most common religion in Australia is Presbyterian and Reformed, with its adherents at 3%. This follows Catholic (25.8%), Anglican (18.7%) and Uniting Church (5.7%).

What is Religion of Cyprus?

The majority of Greek Cypriots identify as Greek Orthodox. Most Turkish Cypriots are adherents of Sunni Islam.

What is a sentence for the word adherent?

The candiates adherents helped him to win the campaignPeople who believe in a particular religion are said to be adherents of that faith.

What place that you find Christianity?

Christianity is the world's largest religion with about 2.1 billion adherents. So you would find them in most places.