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High doses of alcohol can impair the functions of a region of the brain called the hippocampus, which plays a vital role in memory and learning.

It is this region of the brain that is responsible for forming new memories. So if you have alcohol in your system while you are in class studying algebra, even though you are absorbing the information, you are much less likely to successfully store this information in your memory.

Learning and then storing memories are a complex process that work together, to turn the information you have studied into memories, even hours after you have stepped away from the books and stopped thinking about it.

In Addition, The Cerebrum, Cerebellum and Medulla:

  • The more you drink, the more "depressed" your brain activity becomes. The cerebrum is the part of your brain that controls advanced functions like recognition, vision, reasoning, and emotion. At the lowest levels, alcohol lowers inhibitions, and affects judgment.
  • As alcohol levels increase, vision, movement,and speech are impaired. This occurs at a blood alcohol level of .01% -.30%.The cerebellum is the part of your brain that is involved with coordinating movement. Alcohol consumption causes problems with body coordination, reflexes, and balance. This occurs at a blood alcohol level of .15-.35%.
  • The medulla is the part of your brain that controls breathing and heartbeat. When you've consumed so much alcohol Your heart rate can drop and your breathing can cease, causing death.
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1mo ago

The hippocampus, located in the temporal lobe, is crucial for forming new memories and learning new information. The prefrontal cortex, involved in decision-making and executive functions, also plays a key role in higher-order learning processes. Additionally, the cerebellum, situated at the back of the brain, is involved in motor learning and coordination.

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13y ago

the medulla ( brain stem) is in control for the involuntary movements.(the movements in your body does automatically ( breathing, heart beat, blinking, ect. the cerebellum is in control of your motor skills, witch are the muscles movements of the body that you can control. it also remembers muscle movement sequences ( like that dance you learned last week or writing the alphabet.) and the cerebrum takex care of your train of thought and memory. witch therefore means the cerebrum plays the important role of the learning process.

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Q: Which parts of the brain play an important role in the learning process?
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