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no this is not true baby oil has more density than water.

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4mo ago

Water is denser than baby oil. This means that water has a greater mass per unit volume compared to baby oil.

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11y ago

Baby oil is less dense than water; if you poured some on water it would float on top of it

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14y ago

1.059 g/ml

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Q: Which one is denser water or baby oil?
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Why is water denser than oil?

Water is denser than oil because strong forces of hydrogen bonding are present in between the water molecules so that are very close to each other and thus water has high density. While on the other hand in oil long chains of hydrogen and carbon are present, oil is non polar so the chains of carbon and hydrogen are far apart and do not attract each other. Thus oil is less denser than water and floats on water. The concept of density can be understood by the thing that one tonne of oil and one tonne of water has equal weight but one tone of oil occupies more space than one tonne of water as water molecules are present very close to one another or in other words water is more dense than oil.

Why can't olive oil and vinegar mix?

No, oil and vinegar do not mix. This is because vinegar contains water making it polar, and oil is made of lipids making it insoluble, so there is no way the molecules can mix without something like an emulsifier.

What planet is denser than water?

Mercury is denser than water, with a density of about 5.43 grams per cubic centimeter compared to water's density of 1 gram per cubic centimeter. This makes Mercury one of the densest planets in our solar system.

What happens if one drinks baby oil?

Drinking baby oil can be harmful and cause serious health problems such as difficulty breathing, stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and aspiration pneumonia if the oil is inhaled into the lungs. It is important to seek medical help immediately if someone has ingested baby oil.

Which one is thicker water or oil?

Oil is thicker than water because oil has larger molecules that are more tightly packed together compared to water. This makes oil more viscous and resistant to flow compared to water.

Related questions

How is water more denser then lavender oil?

Water and Lavender oil make two layers when mixed. The upper layer is oil ans lower one is water. This proves that water is denser.

Why is water denser than oil?

Water is denser than oil because strong forces of hydrogen bonding are present in between the water molecules so that are very close to each other and thus water has high density. While on the other hand in oil long chains of hydrogen and carbon are present, oil is non polar so the chains of carbon and hydrogen are far apart and do not attract each other. Thus oil is less denser than water and floats on water. The concept of density can be understood by the thing that one tonne of oil and one tonne of water has equal weight but one tone of oil occupies more space than one tonne of water as water molecules are present very close to one another or in other words water is more dense than oil.

What happens when a less dense fluid interacts with a denser one?

When a less dense fluid interacts with a denser one, the less dense fluid will typically rise above the denser fluid. This is because of the difference in densities, with the denser fluid displacing the less dense fluid due to gravity. This interaction can create phenomena like stratification or mixing, depending on the specific conditions.

Does water sink or float?

does water sink or float in what? whether one solution "floats" or "sinks" when added to a 2nd solution depends largely on the relative densities of the two solutions. Generally the denser of the two will "sink", though other factors, such as polarity, come into play in certain situations (eg, mixing oil and alcohol).

What happens when salt is mixed into cooking oil?

Emulsification happens. Emulsification is when it forms an emulsion, which means a colloial suspension of one liquid in another liqiud. Oil floats on top of the water if you let it set becuase water is denser than oil if there are many molecules together. If there is just one molecule of water and one molecule of oil, than the oil would be heavier but since the water molecules are packed closer together, it makes it heavier than oil. Note: If you put washing detergent and oil together and let it set, they will seperate but if you stir it, they will mix together, making a solution.

How do you separate water from a mixture of oil and water?

One common method is to use a separating funnel. By leaving the mixture to settle, the oil and water will separate into distinct layers due to their different densities. The water, being denser, will settle at the bottom while the oil will float on top, allowing you to carefully drain off one of the liquids.

Is oil denser than kerosene?

Yes, oil is typically denser than kerosene. Oil has a higher density due to its composition, which can include a variety of hydrocarbons and impurities. Kerosene, on the other hand, is a lighter distillate of petroleum and has a lower density compared to many types of oil.

What one word do these 3 words have in common oil rattle and eyes?

The word that connects them all is "baby," as in baby oil, a baby rattle, and baby eyes.

Why do some object sink in water?

If one cubic centimeter of the object is denser than one cubic centimeter of water, it will sink unless it displaces enough water.

Why can't olive oil and vinegar mix?

No, oil and vinegar do not mix. This is because vinegar contains water making it polar, and oil is made of lipids making it insoluble, so there is no way the molecules can mix without something like an emulsifier.

What is the difference between blanching in water and blanching in oil?

One is in water and one is in oil You don't blanch in oil, that would be deep frying.

Is water made from oil?

No. However, when you burn oil, water is one of the reaction products.