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The income gap between rich and poor countries has widened.

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Increased interconnectedness among countries through advances in technology and communication, growth of multinational corporations operating across borders, and greater international trade and investment.

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Q: Which of these has occurred during the most recent period of globalization?
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What has occurred during the most recent Of globalization?

the income gap between rich and poor countries has widened. -apex!

Labor migration has increased dramatically during the recent period of globalization because workers are what?

Workers are going to developed countries in search of better-paying jobs.

The most recent period of globalization increased the global GDP at the same time it did what else?

The most recent period of globalization increased global GDP while also leading to increased interconnectedness among countries, facilitated by advancements in technology and communication. However, it also accentuated income inequality, as the benefits of globalization were not evenly distributed.

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occurred in 1973-75 period

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The Zika virus is the most recent example of disease spread as a result of globalization

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It is from the 60's and 70's.

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The most recent Ice Age is part of the Quaternary Period within the Cenozoic Era. Specifically, the Ice Age is associated with the Pleistocene Epoch, which occurred from about 2.6 million years ago to around 11,700 years ago.

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What does iceage mean?

any period of time during which glaciers covered a large part of the earth's surface; "the most recent ice age was during the Pleistocene"

What is the four long periods of historyf from the earliest to the most recent?

The four long periods of history are ancient history, medieval history, modern history, and contemporary history. These periods are typically divided based on major social, political, and cultural developments that occurred during each time period.

When did the most recent ice age begin and end?

Strictly speaking the most recent Ice Age started about 2.6 million years ago and we are now in an interglacial period,(warm period), during the Ice Age. The last glacial period started 115,000 years ago and finished about 10,000 years ago, though there were a number of warmer periods during that time.