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The answer is helium.

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6d ago

Helium has the least number of neutrons among the elements listed.

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Q: Which of these elements have the least number of neutrons helium carbon gold uranium?
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Related questions

What element has the same amount of neutrons and electrons?

There are several such elements. Examples are helium and carbon.

Which elements has 2 neutrons?

For the most part Helium has two neutrons, the exception is with isotopes.

Does helium have carbon dioxide in it?

Helium does not combine with other elements and pure helium will not have carbon dioxide in it.

What elements are likely be formed by the sun at some time in its life a helium and carbon b iron and uranium c hydrogen and iron d carbon and lead?

c. Hydrogen and iron. The sun primarily fuses hydrogen into helium at its core through nuclear fusion, with helium being a common byproduct. It also produces heavier elements through fusion processes, such as iron being formed in later stages of its life.

Which three elements have the fewest protons and neutrons?

hydrogen, helium, and lithium

What elements are heavier than hydrogen?

All elements except hydrogen and helium are heavier than hydrogen. This includes elements such as carbon, oxygen, gold, and uranium.

What results when helium capture occurs with a carbon 12 nucleus?

When helium capture occurs with a carbon-12 nucleus, the result is oxygen-16. This is because the combination of a helium nucleus (2 protons and 2 neutrons) with a carbon-12 nucleus (6 protons and 6 neutrons) produces an oxygen-16 nucleus (8 protons and 8 neutrons).

What is in a supernova?

there is Hydrogen, Iron, Helium, Uranium and most of the elements. up to the 26th element

Which element combines with oxygen to form water Helium Hydrogen Carbon or Uranium?


How many neutrons does geranium have?

Geranium does not have any neutrons. Neutrons are only found in atomic nuclei of elements like Helium, Carbon, Oxygen, among others. Geranium is an element itself, specifically with the chemical symbol Ge and atomic number 32.

What Does He stand for on the periodic Table of Elements?

"He" on the periodic table of elements refers to Helium. Helium is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is the second lightest and second most abundant element in the observable universe.

What is the first element after hydrogen that which has a neutron?

Helium. All elements have neutrons except hydrogen.