Indicators are typically made of organic compounds that change color in response to changes in pH levels. Common indicator compounds include phenolphthalein, bromothymol blue, and litmus. These compounds help visualize and determine the acidity or basicity of a solution based on the color change they exhibit.
Triple bottom line indicators are used to measure a company's social, environmental, and economic impact. Common indicators include social metrics like employee satisfaction and community engagement, environmental metrics such as energy consumption and waste reduction, and economic measures like revenue growth and profitability. By tracking these indicators, businesses can assess their overall sustainability performance.
An economic activity map shows the specific types of economic activity or Natural Resources present in an area using different types of symbols and colors depending on what is being shown on the map. I hope that helped(:
Indicators of prudential regulations include capital adequacy ratios, liquidity ratios, leverage ratios, stress testing results, and compliance with regulatory requirements. These indicators help assess the financial soundness and stability of financial institutions and ensure they are able to withstand economic shocks and crises.
litmus paper and pH scale i am not sure about the rest :)
The unemployment rate is one indicator that measures inactivity rather than activity.
Retail sales.
Retail sales
Retail sales.
Retail sales
The lagging indicators change direction after the overall economy has moved, while coincident indicators move in tandem with the aggregate economic activity.
A measurement of economic indicators.
Gross domestic products
Three broad categories of economic indicators are: Total Output, Income, and Spending, Employment, Unemployment, and Wages, and Production and Business Activity.
Teresa Santero has written: 'Confidence indicators and their relationship to changes in economic activity' -- subject(s): Consumer confidence, Economic conditions, Economic forecasting
One thing that economic indicators measure is the unemployment rate.
A measurement of economic indicators