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40 degrees North.

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Q: Which line of latitude is border between nebraska and kansas?
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Which line of latitude is the border between Nebraska and Kansas?

Which line of latitude is the border between Nebraska and Kansas

What is the natural border of Kansas and Nebraska?

The 40th Parallel, the 6th Principal Meridian, is the borderline for the states of Kansas and Nebraska.

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the answer is kansaska-nebransas, or nebraska, kansas, and on the border between them.

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Colorado's eastern border is with Kansas and Nebraska.

What is the city on the Kansas-Nebraska border?


What is the capital of the US state that shares its southern border with Nebraska?

Kansas is the US state on the southern border of Nebraska. The capital city of Kansas is Topeka.

Which state shares its northern border with Nebraska?

South Dakota shares its northern border with Nebraska.

What does Kansas border?

Colorado, Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma

What is the captal of the state that has a northen border with south dakato and southern border with kansas?

Nebraska is bordered by South Dakota to the north and Kansas to the south. Lincoln is the capital city in Nebraska.

What is the capital of the state with a northern border with South Dakota and a southern border with Kansas?

Nebraska borders South Dakota to the north and Kansas to the south. Lincoln is the capital city in Nebraska.

What is the capital of the state that has a northern border with South Dakota and a southern border of Kansas?

Nebraska borders South Dakota to the north and Kansas to the south. Lincoln is the capital city in Nebraska.

What US state has a northern border with South Dakota and a southern border with Kansas?

Lincoln is the capital of Nebraska, a state whose northern border is South Dakota and whose southern border is Kansas.