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Skeletal muscle is most often controlled by conscious thought.

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3w ago

Skeletal muscle tissue is the type most often controlled by conscious thought. This type of muscle is responsible for movement and is under voluntary control.

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Q: Which is a type of muscle tissue that is most often controlled by conscious thought?
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Muscle tissue that is attached to bone and is controlled by the conscious part of the brain is generally of what type?

Skeletal Muscle

What does the esophagus in the digestive?

The esophagus is the muscular tube connecting your mouth to your stomach. The muscles are a special type, smooth muscle tissue which contracts and relaxs without conscious thought. The movement is controlled by nerve tissues ad the contractions move the food along.

What is the muscle tissue that is voluntarily controlled and found attached to the bone?

skeletal muscle

Which two muscle types are controlled involuntarily?

Smooth muscles and cardiac muscles are controlled involuntarily - they are not under conscious control. Smooth muscles control functions such as digestion and blood vessel constriction, while cardiac muscles control the beating of the heart.

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skeletal muscle tissue

Explain the difference between the two types of skeletal muscle tissue?

Skeletal muscle tissue differs from cardiac tissue in that skeletal muscles are striated muscles that require conscious stimulation to act, and cardiac muscles are smooth and basically run "automatically".

What type of muscle tissue that is most often controlled by consious though?

ANSWER IS = Skeletal muscle. Apex

Which type of muscle tissue is responsible for voluntary movement?

Skeletal Muscle tissue is the only tissue that responds to voluntary movement. Smooth and Cardiac muscle tissue are controlled by the central nervous system.

What does voluntary mean?

To do a voluntary action means to do it without pay, or without having to be asked or forced.Example:Martin's voluntary cleanup of the rubbish surprised them since nobody had asked him to do it.Voluntary means proceeding from one's own choice.

In digestion what is the function of the eosophagus?

The esophagus is the muscular tube connecting your mouth to your stomach. The muscles are a special type, smooth muscle tissue which contracts and relaxs without conscious thought. The movement is controlled by nerve tissues ad the contractions move the food along.

What type of muscle tissue is voluntarily controlled?

Generally, skeletal muscle is voluntarily controlled and smooth muscle is not. Some structures have a combination of both. For example, the bladder is made up of smooth muscle and consists of some skeletal muscle at the sphincter which is capable of "holding" it until you are ready.

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