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Crude oil is about as different as cheese. Varies a lot. color is black/brown,water white,dark green,reddish etc. it depends upon the components it hold (As lighter components it hold as lighter in color and as heaver as dark it will be) density is between 700 - 1000 kg/cum and kinematic viscosity can be anywhere between 1 and 8 cSt (centi stokes)

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13y ago
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7mo ago

Typically, the heavier fractions of crude oil, such as bitumen and heavy oils, are more viscous compared to lighter fractions such as gasoline and diesel. Viscosity increases as the molecular weight and complexity of the hydrocarbon chains in the oil increase.

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15y ago

Viscosity is a function of temperature, pressure, gravity and dissolved gas in the oil. A common way to calculate viscosity is to use a correlation related to the dead oil viscosity (at surface at standard temperature, usually 60 deg and atmospheric pressure) and then adjust the viscosity for reservoir conditions. I have attached a paper on the calculation methods. Generally, a sample is taken when a new field is discovered, and the viscosity is calculated in the laboratory. Light dead crude oil can range from about 0.6 to 5 cp as given in the attached paper.

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15y ago

The viscosity of Crude Oil found in Iranian reservoirs are estimated by many scholars. As of today the viscosity estimate can be sought from many scholars. The data is given below.

Viscosity, cP value for Iran crude oil

Naseri & et. al (2005) 0.75-54

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14y ago

usually crude oil is black or brown.but they can also be red,yellow,or even colorless.

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14y ago

The higher the boiling point - the lower the viscosity is.

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13y ago


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What is the most viscous fraction in crude oil?

The most viscous fraction in crude oil is the residue left over after refining, known as bitumen or heavy oil. It is thick and heavy, with a high viscosity due to its high content of long-chain hydrocarbons.

Why is it not possible to use crude oil directly?

It is not volatile, it consists of thick, viscous liquid.

Is petroleum the other name for crude oil?

No, not actually. Crude oil is one type of petroleum. Petroleum is a common term for the liquid (crude oil), gaseous (natural gas), and viscous or solid forms (bitumen and asphalt).

What is the shape of crude oil?

Crude oil does not have a specific shape as it is a liquid composed of various hydrocarbons. When extracted from the ground, it appears as a dark, viscous fluid.

Did crude oil means petroleum?

Petroleum is refined from crude oil and is but one fraction only

What is the fraction used for jet fuel out crude oil?

Jet fuel is typically composed of hydrocarbons derived from crude oil. The fraction of crude oil used for jet fuel production is known as kerosene, which is a distillation product in the mid-range of the crude oil distillation process. Because jet fuel is a specialized product, only a small fraction of the total crude oil distillation is used to produce it.

What crude oil is another name for?

Commonly, Petroleum is considered a synonym for Crude Oil. However, according to Britannica Encyclopedia, petroleum as a technical term encompasses: the liquid (crude oil), gaseous (natural gas), and viscous or solid forms (bitumen and asphalt).

What is a fraction in crude oil?

A fraction in crude oil refers to a component that is separated from the whole crude oil through a process known as fractional distillation. Crude oil is made up of different hydrocarbons with varying boiling points, and when heated, these components can be separated into fractions such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel based on their boiling points.

Is Crude Oil Thick?

Crude oil is typically a thick, viscous liquid that varies in density and viscosity depending on its composition. It can range from a thin consistency similar to gasoline to a thick, tar-like substance.

Does crude oil have a low viscosity fraction?

Yes, crude oil contains various fractions with different viscosities. Some fractions, such as light crude oil, have low viscosity, while others, such as heavy crude oil, have high viscosity. The viscosity of crude oil can affect its flow characteristics and processing requirements.

What fraction from crude oil has the smaller molecules?

fuel gases, because they have the smallest amount of carbons present...between 1 and 4.

What is crude oil made of?

Crude oil is made up of hydrocarbon molecules, which are compounds composed of hydrogen and carbon atoms. It also contains small amounts of impurities such as sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen compounds. The composition of crude oil can vary depending on its source.