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Images of people affected by the disaster

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What year did the lochaby disaster happen?

The Lochaby disaster occurred in 1975. It involved the collision of the oil tankers Arrow and Sea Witch off the coast of South Africa, resulting in a major oil spill.

Who were involved in the Pompeii eruption?

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD affected the residents of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and other nearby towns. Thousands of people who lived in these cities were killed or buried under the volcanic ash and pyroclastic flows, leading to widespread destruction and loss of life.

Who was involved in the haiti earthquake?

The Haiti earthquake in 2010 involved no specific individuals as it was a natural disaster that affected the entire country. However, it had a significant impact on the people of Haiti, causing widespread destruction, loss of life, and displacement. International aid organizations, governments, and humanitarian agencies were involved in providing assistance and relief efforts.

How does a hazard transform into a disaster?

A hazard becomes a disaster when human life, property and environment has come to harm.

Which positions is probably the most emotionally difficult in a mass casualty incident?

The role of the first responders and healthcare providers directly involved in treating and triaging patients is likely the most emotionally difficult in a mass casualty incident. They often have to make rapid and difficult decisions under intense pressure while witnessing traumatic scenes and dealing with large numbers of critically injured individuals. The emotional toll can be significant due to the overwhelming nature of the situation and the desire to save as many lives as possible.

Related questions

Which would best help an audience be more emotionally involved in a televised news story about a natural disaster?

Images of people affected by the disaster

Which would best help an audience be more emotionally involved in a televised news story about an Olympic athlete who triumphed against the odds?

video of the athlete during the event

Is emotionally an adverb?

Yes, the word emotionally is an adverb.An example sentence is: "she was emotionally involved with the witness".

What is the definition of emotionally involved?

The definition of emotionally involved is investing your emotions into a person or subject. It is tending to think with your heart rather than your head.

A reader who's invested and emotionally involved in the story?

is more likely to experience tension and suspense than a reader who's not invested or emotionally involved.

What is the opossite of platonic?

100% invested or involved in another person, not just mentally of emotionally involved.

Should social workers be emotionally involved with a client?

Yes I do

A reader who's invested and emotionally involved in the story IS?

an active reader

What is the term used for a ship or boat involved in a disaster?


What principle is involved in the us congress passing a law requiring the supreme court sessions to be televised?

federalism. lol ;-)

What does it mean if he says that he is emotionally involved with you?

He has strong emotional feelings for you. Congrats and good luck :)

What is most likely way to get a reader to experience tension?

Have a reader who is invested and emotionally involved in the story