Energy comes from the nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms to form helium atoms in the core of stars, including our sun. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of light and heat.
The origin of this word is Greek. "Halogen" is of Greek origin. The Latin word "Halo", ΑΧΛΥΣ in ancient Greek, ΑΧΤΙΣ / ΑΚΤΙΣ*/ ΑΧΤΙΔΑ / ΑΚΤΙΝΑ*/ ΑΧΛΑΔΑ in modern Greek, stands for "Blurring light" "Beam of light" "Bunch of light-beams springing from a center", "Shaft of light" (light-shaft). *ΑΚΤΙΣ / ΑΚΤΙΝΑ stands for "radius", too! ΑΧΛΥΣ (Halo) refers to the shape resembling a pear. The suffix -gen stands for: "Creator of" the thing signified by the affix ("Halo").
Photosynthesis is based on the two Greek words "photo" meaning light and "synthesis" meaning putting together. This process involves using light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen through a series of chemical reactions in plants.
When illuminated by laser light, certain elements in phosphors can emit visible light, making them suitable for use in various lighting applications, such as LED displays, lighting fixtures, and signage. The excitation of these elements by laser light causes them to fluoresce, producing visible light.
A packet of light energy is called a photon.
wheel bearing hub
photo- comes from a Greek for light.
Probably the bearing in the left wheel is damaged.
The root "photo" comes from the Greek word "phos" which means light.
The word "photography" comes from the Greek words photoswhich means "light" and graphe' which means "drawing" or "writing," giving us "drawing with light."
The origin of this word is Greek. "Halogen" is of Greek origin. The Latin word "Halo", ΑΧΛΥΣ in ancient Greek, ΑΧΤΙΣ / ΑΚΤΙΣ*/ ΑΧΤΙΔΑ / ΑΚΤΙΝΑ*/ ΑΧΛΑΔΑ in modern Greek, stands for "Blurring light" "Beam of light" "Bunch of light-beams springing from a center", "Shaft of light" (light-shaft). *ΑΚΤΙΣ / ΑΚΤΙΝΑ stands for "radius", too! ΑΧΛΥΣ (Halo) refers to the shape resembling a pear. The suffix -gen stands for: "Creator of" the thing signified by the affix ("Halo").
Answer Many words in the English language come to us from Latin or Ancient Greek. "Photo" is derived from Greek - the Greek word "phos" means "light." The word "graph" also comes from a Greek word meaning "to draw." A Photograph is therefore a drawing made with light. We often shortern the word "photograph" to "photo." The latin word for "light" is "lux."
The term "photo" comes from the Greek word "phōs," meaning light, while "geo" comes from the Greek word "gē," meaning earth or land.
Jemma mean's god of light and darkness, it also comes from the greek name Jabias.
It comes from The Greek word photo - light and graphos - writing. A photograph is writing with light.
The root word "phos" comes from Greek and means "light" or "shining." It is commonly found in words related to light or brightness, such as phosphorous or phosphorescent.
The Greek syllable 'phot-' is the root of the Greek noun phos. The root word 'phos' is Greek for 'light' in English. The root word copia is Latin for 'abundance' in English. The English derivative is 'copy'.