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its vertical ruler if you look in the Microsoft office 2007 premium video edition on word 4 it gives you the correct answer

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The Page Layout tab in the Ribbon contains options for adjusting document margins, including those for the top and bottom margins. You can access and modify these settings in the Page Setup group under the Page Layout tab.

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horizontal ruler

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Q: Which element of the word program window shows the settings for the top and bottom document margins?
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Which is the correct sequence of steps for opening a new document?

To open a new document: Open the application where you want to create the document. Look for the "File" menu at the top of the screen. Click on "File" and then select "New" or "New Document" option. A new document should then open and be ready for you to start working on.

How do you program a XE-A133?

To program a XE-A133 cash register, you will typically access the programming mode by turning the key to the PGM position, and then follow the manual or on-screen prompts to input custom settings, tax rates, departments, and other programming options. It is important to refer to the specific programming instructions provided in the user manual for the XE-A133 model.

Pressing the key instructs word to replace a building block name with the stored building block entry?

When you press the key, Word will replace any specific building block name in your document with the corresponding building block entry you have saved in the program. This can be a time-saving feature for quickly inserting predefined content into your document without having to retype it each time.

What does control F2 do?

In many software applications, pressing Control + F2 opens a menu or activates a specified function, such as accessing the menu bar or opening a document in a word processing program. The specific function can vary depending on the software being used.

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The fill color icon is used to change the color of the background or fill of an object, shape, or text in a document, spreadsheet, or graphic design program. It allows you to customize the appearance of your content to make it more visually appealing or to highlight important information.

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Which element of the word program window shows the settings for the top and botton document margins?

vertical ruler

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The split feature can be used to show different panes in the window, enabling you to see different parts of the document.

Which element of the Word program window is used to display different parts of the document in the document window?

The split feature can be used to show different panes in the window, enabling you to see different parts of the document.

Where in the program can you find the top and bottoms margins?

horizontal rule

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Where in the window program can you find the top and bottom margins?

horizontal rule

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