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9mo ago

Bhutan lost the fewest number of soldiers in World War 1.

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Q: Which country lost the fewest number of soldiers in World War 1?
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What nations suffered fewest casualties?

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Which nations suffered fewest casualties in world war 1?

Iran was the nation that suffered the fewest casualties in WWII numbering only 200 resistance soldiers. The Soviet Union was the nation that suffered the greatest number of casualties in World War II numbering over 23 million.

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Based on current data, Monaco is considered to have the fewest species of mammals in the world with only a handful of species present.

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What country had the most wounded soldiers in World War I?

Germany had the highest number of injured soldiers by the end of the war but France had a higher percentage of their army injured they also had the highest percentage of death followed by Britain, Russia had the highest number of deaths.

Which country had most soldiers during world war 1?

The Russian Empire: a total of about 12 million soldiers

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