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i think that Greece is closer to the equator because of the random weather changes

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Greece is closer to the equator than the United States. The equator runs through countries near the Earth's equator, while the US is located farther north.

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12y ago

The US.

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Q: Which country is closer to the equator US or Greece?
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How close is Greece to the equator?

Turkey is between 37° and 42° north of the equator, which is a distance of at least 4000 km (2500 miles). The countries around the Meditteranean Sea are farther north than most people visualize. Ankara, Turkey is at about the same latitude (40°) as Philadelphia, PA or Columbus, Ohio.

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Mexico is closer to the equator.

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The United States is closer to the equator.

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Ecuador is the Spanish word meaning Equator. Ecuador has the the Equator running right through it. Panama is just north of Colombia, which is just north of Ecuador so it is the next closest country to the equator. Puerto Rico is Part of the United States but assuming that Puerto Rico is being treated separately, and the actual "Lower 48" US States is what is meant by The US. Puerto Rico is next. Then the US. However this is a trick question! The US has territories closer to the Equator than Puerto Rico, and even closer than the country of Panama. Baker Island at 0°11.7′N has the equator running through its territorial waters!

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Greece. Greece is pretty close to 21E, while the easternmost point of the US would be Maine at 44W.

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Africa is closer to the equator than the United States. As a matter of fact the equator runs right through Africa.

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Yes, Mississippi is closer to the equator than Missouri. Mississippi is located at a lower latitude than Missouri, making it closer to the equator.

Is Mexico or Kansas closer to the equator?

There are 2,356 Km (1,464 miles) between Cancun and the Equator.

Is Greece a hot country?

30 to 40 degrees Celsius in the summer i dont know the winter/spring/autumn

Why does in snow only in some states?

because the more southern states are closer to the equator, and the closer to the equator you get, the warmer it gets. it gets warmer near the equator because the earth's tilt has the sun's light/heat fall onto one place (the equator). the earth's tilt also gives us seasons.