I know Maldives is only 1 metre above sea level the first country to go if we don't collectively do something about global warming. I too would like to know what other countries maybe next in line to drown.
Countries that are close to sea level include the Maldives, Belgium, and the Netherlands. These countries have large areas of land that are only a few meters above sea level, making them vulnerable to sea level rise.
Sea level rise can lead to increased flooding, erosion of coastlines, and saltwater intrusion into freshwater sources, affecting communities further inland. This can disrupt livelihoods, damage infrastructure, and pose risks to property and food security. Therefore, people living further away from the coast may still be impacted by the consequences of sea level rise.
The level of the ocean's surface is called sea level. It serves as the baseline for measuring elevation and depth.
The air pressure at sea level is called atmospheric pressure.
The pressure at sea level on Earth is about 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi), while the pressure in outer space is close to zero psi. This means that there is a pressure difference of 14.7 psi between sea level on Earth and outer space.
The Lowland countries of Europe are Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. These countries are characterized by their low elevation and flat terrain, with a significant portion of their land lying below sea level.
countries which would be at risk if sea level rises are countries close to the oceans or water bodies
The countries that are predominantly below sea level are the Netherlands and Maldives. Parts of other countries like Bangladesh and some island nations are also below sea level in certain areas.
As often happens with coastal cities, Barcelona is at sea level.
The countries in Africa with areas that lie below sea level are Egypt and Djibouti. In Egypt, the Qattara Depression is located below sea level, while in Djibouti, the Lac Assal is an area that lies below sea level.
Areas that are close to sea level elevation.
The 'On Sea' part of the name implies that parts of the town are at or close to sea level.
The altitude of a plain can vary, but it is mostly flat and close to sea level. Plains can be found at various elevations, from below sea level to several thousand feet above sea level.
Its by the shore up close by the sand
china,america,indonesia, low sea level countries
Holland (a nickname usually given to the Netherlands) is close to sea level. In fact, a significant part of it is BELOW sea level.
Parts of several countries are below sea level, including Israel, USA, UK, and Netherlands.
Oh yes, otherwise NYC would be under water. It lies at the open sea.