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The internet's contribution has had the greatest impact on the modern world as it has revolutionized communication, commerce, and information sharing on a global scale. It has transformed how we connect with others, access knowledge, and conduct business, shaping almost every aspect of modern society.

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What was Marie Curies greatest contribution?

Marie Curie's greatest contribution was her pioneering research on radioactivity. She discovered the elements polonium and radium and developed the theory of radioactivity, which revolutionized the field of nuclear physics. Her groundbreaking work laid the foundation for modern advancements in medicine, industry, and technology.

What is the greatest contribution of Gregor Mendel in genetics?

Gregor Mendel's greatest contribution to genetics was his discovery of the basic principles of heredity through his experiments with pea plants. His work laid the foundation for modern genetics by establishing the laws of inheritance, including the principles of segregation and independent assortment. Mendel's research revolutionized the field of genetics and provided a framework for understanding how traits are passed from parents to offspring.

What was isaac newtons mathematicAL contribution?

Newton's mathematical contribution is the mathematical law of Gravity and the calculus. F=mGM/r2, is introduced mathematical physics, modern physics.

How did Robert Hooke contribution impact future scientists?

Robert Hooke's contributions in the field of physics and biology, particularly his work on the microscope and cell theory, laid the foundation for advancements in these fields by inspiring future scientists such as Antonie van Leeuwenhoek and Louis Pasteur. His detailed observations and drawings of cells and microorganisms provided crucial insights that shaped the development of modern biology and microbiology. Additionally, his work on elasticity and Hooke's Law has had a lasting impact on the field of physics and engineering.

What was J Robert Oppenheimer contribution to the atomic theory?

J. Robert Oppenheimer was a physicist who is often credited as the "father of the atomic bomb." He led the Manhattan Project during World War II that developed the first atomic bomb. His contributions to the atomic theory revolutionized modern warfare and had a profound impact on the course of history.

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Antoine Lavoisier's greatest contribution to science was his work on the law of conservation of mass, which states that mass is neither created nor destroyed in chemical reactions. This laid the foundation for modern chemistry and revolutionized the understanding of the nature of matter.

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Darwin's greatest contribution is the theory of evolution by natural selection. This theory explains how species adapt to their environment over time through the process of struggle for existence, variation, and differential reproductive success. His work laid the foundation for modern evolutionary biology.

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The Mughal Dynasty had a profound impact on Indian architectural sensibilities. They inspired much of the modern design handbook for the building of temples.

What was Marie Curies greatest contribution?

Marie Curie's greatest contribution was her pioneering research on radioactivity. She discovered the elements polonium and radium and developed the theory of radioactivity, which revolutionized the field of nuclear physics. Her groundbreaking work laid the foundation for modern advancements in medicine, industry, and technology.

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Roman law wass based on the principle of rights, which the Romans called ius.

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What are Mendel's contribution to modern day genetics?


What is the greatest contribution of Gregor Mendel in genetics?

Gregor Mendel's greatest contribution to genetics was his discovery of the basic principles of heredity through his experiments with pea plants. His work laid the foundation for modern genetics by establishing the laws of inheritance, including the principles of segregation and independent assortment. Mendel's research revolutionized the field of genetics and provided a framework for understanding how traits are passed from parents to offspring.

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