Fairbanks is located in Fairbanks North Star Borough in the state of Alaska.
The distance between Fairbanks, Alaska, and the geographic North Pole is approximately 1,700 miles (2,700 kilometers) when measured in a straight line.
Alaska, Canada, and Greenland are closer to the North Pole, while Siberia and Norway are also closer to the North Pole but farther south compared to the other three. Greenland is the closest to the North Pole out of the mentioned regions.
No, Alaska is further north, though some of the southernmost Aleutian Islands are as far south as Ireland.
Judging by longitude, Alaska is further west. If it were any further west, it would start to cross the 180 degree line. However, if you flew to Alaska or Hawaii from California, you'd have to go much further west to get to Hawaii. This anamoly is because the world is round and Hawaii is much further south than Alaska, which is almost at the North Pole.
Fairbanks is further north.
Fairbanks is located in Fairbanks North Star Borough in the state of Alaska.
In the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus
Anchorage is south of Fairbanks. Here's a picture. http://pics2.city-data.com/city/maps/fr1219.png
Fairbanks is a city located in the north western part of the United States. Fairbanks is a city in Alaska.
Fairbanks is a city located in the north western part of the United States. Fairbanks is a city in Alaska.
On the mainland, south of Fairbanks and north of the Panhandle.
Possibly, Reykjavik, Iceland, or Oslo Norway, or Churhill, Manitobe, Canada. The words 'Aurora Borealis' is Latin for Northern Lighhs/ The Corresponding word, for the Southerm Lights, are ' Aurora Australis'. Yes!!!! There are Southern Lights.
The distance between Fairbanks, Alaska, and the geographic North Pole is approximately 1,700 miles (2,700 kilometers) when measured in a straight line.
Depends on your definition of "big". Fairbanks (the city itself) has about 35,000 people. It has a Lowe's, Walmart, Movie Theaters, tons of restaurants, Alaska's first university, University of Alaska Fairbanks. The surrounding area, also known as the North Star Borough, has about 85,000 people.