That point is in Manlius NY. The nearest city that people have heard of is probably
Syracuse, although these coordinates are a good 8 miles outside of it.
The port city located at 43 degrees latitude and 132 degrees longitude is Vladivostok, Russia.
Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, is located at approximately 33.6844° N latitude and 73.0479° E longitude.
That's near Mecca.
The latitude of Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is approximately 23.8103° N, and the longitude is around 90.4125° E.
Boston, Massachusetts
The port city located at 43 degrees latitude and 132 degrees longitude is Vladivostok, Russia.
Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, is located at approximately 33.6844° N latitude and 73.0479° E longitude.
That's near Mecca.
Latitude: 43°43′58″N Longitude: 7°25′11″E
The latitude of Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is approximately 23.8103° N, and the longitude is around 90.4125° E.
Boston, Massachusetts
Portsmouth, NH
Latitude: N 43° 43' 22.674" Longitude: E 10° 23' 46.9608"
The latitude and longitude of colonial Manchester is about 43 degrees North and 71.5 degrees West. Today, Manchester is the largest city in New Hampshire.
Latitude: 40°23′N Longitude: 3°43′W
Silopi, Turkey.