The ocean biome because it covers so much of the earths surface and it is a 3D habitat; creatures live miles above and below each other, while land creatures are all living on top of the surface of the earth. Very few creature(in comparison) can survive underground.
I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure it is not the temperate deciduous forest, but the rain forest biome that has the most biodiversity.
marine biome f*ck the person who put marine biome because that's b*llshit The most diverse biome is actually the wetlands but many still assert that it is the tropcial rain forest.
On Earth there are many biomes, and all of them have biodiversity. However, the rainforest biome is the one with the highest species diversity.
Tropical rainforests and coral reefs are the two biomes with the most biodiversity. Both of these biomes support a wide variety of plant and animal species due to their unique environmental conditions and high productivity levels.
The biome between the Tropic of Cancer and the equator is typically tropical rainforest. This biome is characterized by high levels of rainfall, dense vegetation, and high biodiversity.
tropical rain forest
I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure it is not the temperate deciduous forest, but the rain forest biome that has the most biodiversity.
marine biome f*ck the person who put marine biome because that's b*llshit The most diverse biome is actually the wetlands but many still assert that it is the tropcial rain forest.
On Earth there are many biomes, and all of them have biodiversity. However, the rainforest biome is the one with the highest species diversity.
The researchers are most likely studying the rainforest biome due to its high biodiversity, complex ecosystem interactions, and potential for discovering new species.
Biodiversity in a desert biome consists of different types of plants and animals. This includes cacti, shrubs, insects, lizards, and birds.
Tropical rainforests are considered the biome with the most diverse communities of organisms. They house a wide range of plant and animal species, resulting in high levels of biodiversity.
In Tropical rainforests because they have the most biodiversity than any other biome.
Rio de Janeiro is located in the Atlantic Forest terrestrial biome. This biome is characterized by high biodiversity and is one of the most threatened biomes in the world due to deforestation and urbanization.
rainforest biome. It typically receives high amounts of rain throughout the year, leading to lush vegetation and high biodiversity.
The rain forest has the greatest diversity of animals and plants living in it. The ocean has the greatest biodiversity of any biome. The rainforest has the greatest biodiversity of any terrestrial biome.
Forests contain about 70% of the biomass, the total weight of living organisms.