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Q: Which atomic mass is the threshold value below which fusion may occur?
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Which atomic number is the threshold value below which fusion will occur?


Which atomic number is the threshold value below which fusion may occur?

The threshold atomic number below which fusion may occur is around 5-6. This is because atomic nuclei with lower atomic numbers have less electrostatic repulsion, allowing them to overcome the Coulomb barrier and fuse together.

Which atomic number is the threshold value which fusion will occur?


Can fission occur after fusion?

No, fission and fusion are two distinct nuclear reactions. Fusion involves the joining of atomic nuclei to release energy, while fission involves the splitting of atomic nuclei. They are not directly connected processes, so fusion does not lead to fission.

Does fusion reaction occur in an atomic bomb?

Yes, fusion reactions occur in a hydrogen bomb, which is a type of nuclear bomb. The high temperatures and pressures generated by the fission reaction in the bomb can trigger fusion reactions between hydrogen isotopes. This fusion reaction releases a large amount of energy, contributing to the destructive power of the bomb.

Where does nuclear fusion occur in a nuclear plant?

Nuclear fusion does not currently occur in nuclear plants. Nuclear plants use nuclear fission, where atoms are split to release energy. Fusion reactions, in which atomic nuclei combine to release energy, are not yet used commercially for electricity generation.

In which phase of matter do fusion reactions occur?

Fusion reactions occur in the plasma phase of matter. Plasma is a high-energy state of matter in which electrons are stripped from atoms, leading to a mixture of positively charged ions and free electrons. This highly energized state allows for the fusion of atomic nuclei, as seen in stars and in experimental fusion reactors.

How can temperature either help fusion to occur or prevent fusion from occurring?

How can temperature either help fusion to occur or prevent fusion from occurring?

Transmutation does not occur in which of these nuclear processes?

Transmutation does not occur in nuclear fission, where atomic nuclei are split into smaller fragments. Transmutation involves changing the identity of an atomic nucleus by altering the number of protons and neutrons it contains, which occurs in nuclear fusion reactions and radioactive decay processes.

What is threshold wavelength?

Threshold wavelength refers to the minimum wavelength of light required to start a specific phenomenon, such as photoelectric effect or emission of electrons from a metal surface. Below this threshold wavelength, the desired effect does not occur.

Where in space do fission and fusion happen?

Fission reactions typically occur in nuclear reactors where heavy atomic nuclei split to release energy. Fusion reactions, on the other hand, occur in stars like the Sun where light atomic nuclei combine to release energy. Both processes play a crucial role in generating energy and elements in the universe.

Does nuclear fusion occur at a low temperature?

Nuclear fusion typically occurs at very high temperatures in the range of millions of degrees Celsius. This is necessary to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged atomic nuclei and facilitate the fusion process.