the thickest accumulation of sediment on the ocean floor is at the CONTINENTAL SLOPES AND RISES. :)
The thickest sedimentary deposits are typically found in basins and troughs where large amounts of sediment have accumulated over millions of years. These areas can include deep ocean basins, continental rift zones, and areas where rivers deposit sediment such as deltas. The sediment can accumulate to great thickness due to tectonic activity, climate changes, or the presence of large amounts of sediment sources.
Ooze on the ocean floor is formed from the remains of marine organisms like phytoplankton and zooplankton, as well as shells and skeletons of marine animals. Over time, these organic materials accumulate and form sediment on the ocean floor.
oldest and has accumulated over millions of years. The thickness of the sediments can vary depending on factors such as tectonic activity, sediment supply, and water depth.
Flat seafloor in the deep ocean, known as abyssal plains, is formed over time as sediment accumulates in the valleys and depressions of the ocean floor. This sediment is often carried by underwater currents and deposited in these low-lying areas, creating a smooth and flat seafloor surface.
When sediment sinks into the ocean floor, it is called sedimentation. Over time, layers of sediment build up and compress to form sedimentary rocks.
broken up rocks
The ocean floor sediment contains unfathomable numbers of marine organism skeletons.
i just dont know !
Sexual coment
Novanet answer: Biogenous.
Novanet answer: Biogenous.
the crust will cool to form metamorphic rock
The ocean floor generally consists of basalt cooled from magma, and the overlying layers of sediment, both inorganic and organic.
The further away a point is from the mid-ocean ridge, the deeper the sediment layer should be. Because the ocean floor is relatively new nearer the ridge, sediments have had less time to accumulate.