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Cardiac muscle is a type of involuntary striated muscle found only in the walls of the heart. This is a specialized muscle that, while similar in some fundamental ways to smooth muscle and skeletal muscle, has a unique structure and with an ability not possessed by muscle tissue elsewhere in the body. Cardiac muscle, like other muscles, can contract, but it can also carry an action potential (i.e. conduct electricity), like the neurons that constitute nerves.
Furthermore, some of the cells have the ability to generate an action potential, known as cardiac muscle automaticity (meaning the can and do beat on their own).

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Q: Where is the only place you can find cardiac muscles?
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Where will you find cardiac muscles?

There is only one place you will find cardiac muscles and that is the heart.

What is the only place cardiac muscles can be found?

In your chest right

What do cardiac muscles do in the body?

Cardiac muscles help the heart. This is the only place in the body that cardiac muscle is located.

What muscle is the only one of its kind in the human body?

There are three types of muscles in the body, smooth, skeletal and cardiac. The only place you'll find cardiac muscle is in the heart.

In which part of the body would you find the cardiac muscle?

cardiac muscles are located in the heart only

Cardiac muscle is found only in the?

Cardiac muscles are only found in your heart.

Are cardiac muscles and smooth muscles involuntary or voluntary muscles?

Both cardiac and smooth muscles are involuntary. The only voluntary muscle type is skeletal muscle.

Both skeletal and cardiac muscles are this?

Both skeletal and cardiac muscles are striated muscles.

Cardiac muscles and smooth muscles are both voluntary or involuntary muscles?

Both cardiac and smooth muscles are involuntary. The only voluntary muscle type is skeletal muscle.

What muscles is involuntary?

The cardiac and smooth muscles are involuntary. The cardiac is found only in the heart and the smooth muscles are found mostly inside the walls of organs.

Do cardiac muscles and smooth muscles both are voluntary or involuntary?

Both cardiac and smooth muscles are involuntary. The only voluntary muscle type is skeletal muscle.

Does a cardiac muscle control digestion?

No, cardiac muscles only control the involuntary beating of your heart. Smooth muscles control digestion.