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3 hours ahead of American Central Standard Time (CST):

  • West Greenland Time (WGT)
  • Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time (PMST)
  • Suriname Time (SRT)
  • French Guiana Time (GFT)
  • Brasilia Time (BRT)
  • Argentina Time (ART)
  • Uruguay Time (UYT)
  • Atlantic Daylight Saving Time (ADT)
  • Amazon Summer Time (AMST)
  • Chile Summer Time (CLST)
  • Falkland Islands Summer Time (FKST)

3 hours ahead of American Central Daylight Saving Time (CDT):

  • East Greenland Time (EGT)
  • Fernando de Noronha Time (FNT)
  • South Georgia/ Sandwich Islands Time (GST)
  • Brasilia Summer Time (BRST)
  • Uruguay Summer Time (UYST)
  • West Greenland Summer Time (WGST)
  • Pierre & Miquelon Daylight Saving Time (PMDT)

3 hours ahead of Australian Central Standard Time and Central Daylight Saving Time (CST/CDT): none

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13y ago
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11y ago

Three Hours before Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time (AEDT; UTC+11):

  • Australian Western Standard Time (AWST)
  • Beijing Time
  • Brunei Darussalam Time (BNT)
  • Central Indonesian Time (WITA)
  • Choibalsan Time (CHOT)
  • Hong Kong Time (HKT)
  • Krasnoyarsk Time (KRAT)
  • Malaysia Time (MYT)
  • Philippine Time (PHT)
  • Singapore Time (SGT)
  • Ulaanbaatar Time (ULAT)

Three Hours before Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST; UTC+10):

  • Christmas Island Time (CXT)
  • Davis Time (DAVT)
  • Hovd Time (HOVT)
  • Indochina Time (ICT)
  • Omsk Time (OMST)
  • Western Indonesian Time (WIB)

Three Hours before Eastern Indonesian Time (WIT; UTC+9):

  • Alma-Ata Time (ALMT)
  • Bangladesh Standard Time (BdST)
  • Bhutan Time (BTT)
  • Indian Chagos Time (IOT)
  • Kyrgyzstan Time (KGT)
  • Qyzylorda Time (QYZT)
  • Vostok time (VOST)
  • Yekaterinburg Time (YEKT)

Three Hours before Eastern European Summer Time (EEST; UTC+3):

  • Azores Summer Time (AZOST)
  • Eastern Greenland Summer Time (EGST)
  • Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Western European Time (WET)

Three Hours before Eastern European Time (EET; UTC+2):

  • Azores Time (AZOT)
  • Cape Verde Time (CVT)
  • Eastern Greenland Time (EGT)

Three Hours before Eastern Greenland Summer Time (EGST; UTC+0)

  • Amazon Summer Time
  • Argentina Time (ART)
  • Atlantic Daylight Saving Time (ADT)
  • Brasilia Time (BRT)
  • Chile Summer Time (CLST)
  • Falkland Islands Summer Time (FKST)
  • French Guiana Time (GFT)
  • Paraguay Summer Time (PYST)
  • Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time (PMST)
  • Rothera time (ROTT)
  • Suriname Time (SRT)
  • Uruguay Time (UYT)
  • Western Greenland Time (WGT)

Three Hours before Eastern Greenland Time (EGT; UTC-1):

  • Amazon Time (AMT)
  • Atlantic Standard Time (AST)
  • Bolivia Time (BOT)
  • Chile Time (CLT)
  • Cuba Daylight Saving Time
  • Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT)
  • Guyana Time (GYT)
  • Paraguay Time (PYT)

Three Hours before American Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT; UTC-4):

  • Mountain Standard Time (MST)
  • Pacific Daylight Saving Time (PDT)

Three Hours before American Eastern Standard Time (EST; UTC-5):

  • Alaska Daylight Saving Time (AKDT)
  • Metlakatla Time (MeST)
  • Pacific Standard Time (PST)
  • Pitcairn Standard Time (PST)

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8mo ago

4 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time is Central European Time in cities such as Berlin, Paris, and Rome.

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15y ago

EST is -5 zulu so that would make -2 zulu 3 hours ahead. That would be somewhere off the west coast of Europe.

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12y ago

The Cape Verde Islands (UTC-1) are four hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5) all year.

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Is there a city 3 hours ahead of EST?

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