The country located at 31 degrees North latitude and 123 degrees East longitude is China.
The coordinates 138°N latitude and 123°E longitude do not exist on Earth as latitude ranges from 0° at the equator to 90°N at the North Pole, and longitude ranges from 0° at the Prime Meridian to 180°E or 180°W at the International Date Line. Please check the coordinates and try again.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is located at approximately 49.2827° N latitude and 123.1207° W longitude.
Latitude: 49°25′N Longitude: 123°1′W
Latitude: 48° 49' 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23" at Gamnges Copast Guard9'Latitude: 48° 49' 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23" 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23"Latitude: 48° 49' 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23"
The country located at 31 degrees North latitude and 123 degrees East longitude is China.
Latitude: 48°25′43″N Longitude: 123°21′56″W
The coordinates 138°N latitude and 123°E longitude do not exist on Earth as latitude ranges from 0° at the equator to 90°N at the North Pole, and longitude ranges from 0° at the Prime Meridian to 180°E or 180°W at the International Date Line. Please check the coordinates and try again.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is located at approximately 49.2827° N latitude and 123.1207° W longitude.
Latitude: 49°25′N Longitude: 123°1′W
Latitude: 48° 49' 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23" at Gamnges Copast Guard9'Latitude: 48° 49' 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23" 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23"Latitude: 48° 49' 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23"
new york
The Hoh Rainforest is located in Olympic National Park in Washington State, USA. Its approximate coordinates are latitude 47.8606° N and longitude 123.9350° W.
The latitude of Vancouver, Canada is 49.2827° N, and the longitude is 123.1207° W.
Corvallis is Latitude: 44°34′14.81″N and Longitude: 123°16′33.59″W.
There is no city located at that coordinate. It is the Laptev Sea.
The latitude of Naga City in the Philippines is approximately 13.6218° N, and the longitude is around 123.1945° E.