15 degrees south latitude and 145 degrees east longitude is located in the Southern Hemisphere, in the Pacific Ocean near the islands of Vanuatu and New Caledonia.
The location 30 degrees south and 90 degrees east corresponds to a point in the Indian Ocean. The latitude is 30 degrees south, and the longitude is 90 degrees east.
The city at 19 degrees south latitude and 146 degrees east longitude is Nadi, located in Fiji.
New Zealand is located at 40 degrees south latitude and 175 east longitude.
What is exact location of 20 degrees south latitude and 45 degrees east longitude?
The location 30 degrees south and 90 degrees east corresponds to a point in the Indian Ocean. The latitude is 30 degrees south, and the longitude is 90 degrees east.
latitude 32 degree south and longitude 55 degrees east
Latitude: 38 degrees South Longitude:145 degrees East
North or South latitude? East or West longitude?
Latitude 05 degrees south, longitude 110 degrees east
latitude is degrees north or south of the equator and Longitude is degrees east or west of Greenwich
The answer is 6 degrees south and 39 degrees east 6 degrees south is the latitude and 39 degrees east is the longitude
The city at 19 degrees south latitude and 146 degrees east longitude is Nadi, located in Fiji.
The continent that lies at 30 degrees south latitude and 120 degrees east longitude is Australia.
New Zealand is located at 40 degrees south latitude and 175 east longitude.
What is exact location of 20 degrees south latitude and 45 degrees east longitude?