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The chloroplast is the hydrogen ion concentration is highest in the spaces of its thylakoid membrane. The ions get pushed into these spaces during the transportation of electrons.

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1mo ago

The H+ concentration is highest in the thylakoid lumen within the chloroplast. This high concentration of H+ ions in the lumen is created by the electron transport chain during photosynthesis.

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13y ago

In the thylakoid membrane space.

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Q: Where in the chloroplast is the H plus concentration highest?
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Which has the highest concentration of H plus ions?

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What is H plus concentration gradient?

The H+ concentration gradient refers to the difference in concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) across a membrane or barrier. This gradient can be used by cells to drive various processes such as ATP synthesis in mitochondria or neurotransmitter release in neurons. The movement of H+ ions down their concentration gradient can generate energy in the form of a proton motive force.

What happends to the OH- as the H plus increases?

The concentration of OH- decreases as the concentration of H+ increases. This is beacause there is an equilibrium H2O <-> H+ + OH- and therefore the [H+][OH-] is a constant

What would happen if there were H plus ion concentration difference when the channel opened?

H plus ions would not flow

How does the concentration gradient of H plus ions help make ATP?

High concentration of H+ ion in the intermembrane lead to the movement of H+ ions into the inner membrane

How many times does the concentration of H plus increase or decrease when pH drops from 7 to 5?

The pH scale is logarithmic, so a change of 2 units corresponds to a 100-fold change in the concentration of H+. When pH drops from 7 to 5, the concentration of H+ increases by 100 times.

Do vinegar have a high H plus concentration?

Vinegar is an acid. But it is weak

If you add hydrochloric acid to water what effect would it have on the H plus concentration on the pH?

Adding hydrochloric acid to water would increase the concentration of H+ ions, leading to a decrease in pH. Hydrochloric acid dissociates in water to form more H+ ions, making the solution more acidic.

What does the direction of H plus diffusion across a membrane depend on?

Concentration. It will generally flow from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

What change shows a tenfold increase the concentration of h plus ions?

When pH value is decreased 1.0 unit, the H+ concentration is tenfolded, because -log(10.[H+]) = pH + 1.0

What is a measure of the H plus concentration in a solution?

pH is defined as -log[H+]. This means that if one knows the concentration of hydrogen ion in solution, the pH is simply the negative logarithm (base 10) of that. Similarly, one can find the pOH simply by substituting the concentration of OH- for the concentration of H+ in the aforementioned formula.

If an acid is added to a solution does the H plus concentration increase or decrease?

It increases.