You have to beat team rocket in mahogany town and Champion Lance hands it to you after
I preference pokemon crystal
No, trading Pokemon is not a feature available in Pokemon Liquid Crystal as it is a ROM hack of Pokemon FireRed.
Kadabra evolves into Alakazam when traded in Pokemon Liquid Crystal.
Poliwag evolves into Poliwhirl at level 25 in Pokemon Liquid Crystal.
In Pokemon Liquid Crystal, you can obtain a Metal Coat by talking to the man inside the Pokemon center in Olivine City. He will give it to you as a gift.
a person
The only way to do that is to get the HM06, whirlpool.
liquid crystal? do you mean Pokemon crystal if its Pokemon crystal the levels are 19 20 and 23
I preference pokemon crystal
liquid crystal isn't actually a real Pokemon game
yes. there is 7 in Pokemon crystal e.g: Strength, Flash, Fly, Surf, Whirlpool, Cut and Waterfall.
No, trading Pokemon is not a feature available in Pokemon Liquid Crystal as it is a ROM hack of Pokemon FireRed.
Kadabra evolves into Alakazam when traded in Pokemon Liquid Crystal.
Pokemon liquid crystal where i can see mew
No such thing
Poliwag evolves into Poliwhirl at level 25 in Pokemon Liquid Crystal.
In Pokemon Liquid Crystal, you can obtain a Metal Coat by talking to the man inside the Pokemon center in Olivine City. He will give it to you as a gift.