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The typically green, orange or white plastic bags you see everywhere are generally made from polyethylene plastic. Polyethylene is a cheap and useful material made from petroleum. Once the plastic is made it is put into a large machine that essentially creates a very long bubble/tube of liquid polyethylene. Technically this is done by passing the plastic through an annular die. The bubble is blown up to the size (diameter) required for the particular bag type. When the walls of the bubble cool, the tube of plastic is collected onto a roll. The rolls of material are run through another machine that puts off bag lengths of cooled plastic tube, seals one end with heat, then cuts the sealled bag free for folding and packaging.

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โˆ™ 16y ago
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โˆ™ 9mo ago

Plastic bags are made from petroleum-based products, such as polyethylene and polypropylene. The process involves extracting these raw materials, processing them into resin pellets, and then using heat and pressure to shape the pellets into plastic bags.

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What is plastic bags made out of?

Plastic bags are typically made from polyethylene, a type of plastic polymer derived from fossil fuels. The production of plastic bags contributes to environmental issues such as resource depletion, pollution, and habitat destruction. Many countries are working to reduce the use of plastic bags and encourage more sustainable alternatives.

Are plastic bags easier to make than paper bags?

Generally, plastic bags are easier and less resource-intensive to produce than paper bags. Plastic bags can be mass-produced at a lower cost and require less energy and water during the manufacturing process compared to paper bags. However, plastic bags have a higher environmental impact due to their long degradation time and potential for pollution.

The name of the plastic polymer from which plastics bags are made is?

The plastic polymer from which plastic bags are typically made is polyethylene.

Remedial measures of pollution created by plastic bags?

Remedial measures for plastic bag pollution include implementing bans or fees on plastic bags, promoting the use of reusable bags, implementing recycling programs specifically for plastic bags, and educating the public about the environmental impact of plastic bags. Efforts to reduce single-use plastics and promote sustainable alternatives are crucial in addressing plastic bag pollution.

Rocco gave snacks to his friends in plastic bags is this correct modifier?

Yes, that is correct; "in plastic bags" is a modifier specifying the type of bags used to hold the snacks that Rocco gave to his friends.

Related questions

Can plastic bags harm your waterways?

yes, plastic bags can harm out waterways because if a plastic bags gets stuck in a pipe of something then the water will not work and you will have to pay money to get the plumber to come and fix it

Does milk come in bags in Canada?

No, they come in cartons and plastic jugs, at least at the superstore.

Where did bags come from?

bags - I am assuming your meaning bags in which to carry things in there are paper, plastic and now the environmental friendly cloth bags. Paper bags are created by using trees - using the pulp in which bags are made from. Paper bags can be recycled. Plastic bags are typically made from oil by-products. Plastic bags can be recycled by it is process is hard. Biodegradeable plastic bags which are not made from petroleum products but derived from our food sources. Cloth bags made from cloth and can be washed and reused. Saving energy and our resources.

Are plastic shipping bags still being made?

Plastic shipping bags are still being made. Biodegradable plastic and degradable plastic bags are much friendlier to the environment than just regular plastic bags.

Which can support more paper or plastic bags?

Plastic bags can support more weight but paper bags can support more items

Where can someone buy plastic zip bags?

Plastic zip bags are available at grocery stores, department stores and even convenience stores. They also come in a variety of sizes to suit ones needs.

How can plastic bags be reduced?

Plastic can easily be reduced by using reusable bags.

How many plastic bags are used a day in the US?

many plastic bags

How many plastic bags used a day in the US.?

many plastic bags

Can plastic bags be made out of dolphins?

No, if they are PLASTIC bags they cant be made of dolphins

Can broken bags be recycled?

Paper bags, yes ... plastic, no. In our area, plastic bags with a recycle logo can be recycled.

What do plastic bags?

plastic bags can help you pick trash up or other stuff