You might be able to find parts for that motor on ebay or similar sites.
You can find pictures of the apex of a leaf by doing a simple internet search using keywords like "leaf apex" or "leaf tip". Websites such as botanical blogs, educational resources, and image libraries are likely to have detailed photos of leaf apices.
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One trait does not affect whether another trait will be passed on. -Apex
Saturn parts can be found in an online catalog within the Saturn Parts Accessories Catalog web site. GM Parts House also sell genuine Saturn parts. Each site has all the parts you need.
To find the full-load current (FLC) of a 3-phase motor, you would refer to Table 430.250 in the National Electrical Code (NEC). This table provides the FLC values for various types and sizes of motors.
Go to an auto parts shop
Parts store or junkyard
Try: Hemmings Motor News Parts E-Bay Try: Hemmings Motor News Parts E-Bay
Parts for a Mini Motor can be purchased from a number of locations. An excellent place to find parts for one would be eBay. They have parts for the Mini Motors as well as the entire bike if one is so inclined.
Oreilly auto parts. Can order you a new twin turbo motor in the crate
look inside your car door. or at an auto parts store
Try Hemmings Motor News
What motor? The term motor usually refers to an electric motor. The term engine usually refers to an internal compustion engine. Please restate your question with the model and size motor or engine you are referring to.
One can find listings of stores that sell motor vehicle parts in the Chicago area using the yellow pages. This is a free services supplied to the citizens.
Its actually not that difficult to find vintage Chevrolet parts. Edmonds and Hemmings Motor News both have ongoing publications where you can buy these parts. There are also companies that reproduce vintage parts.
One can find parts for Johnson Outboard motors at any retailer that supplies the motors. One may also find parts in stores that sell hunting and fishing equipment.