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barren with few trees
In the northern Hemisphere.

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4mo ago

When the Ice Age ended, the land once covered by ice was mostly left exposed, allowing for new vegetation to grow and species to thrive. This transformation created diverse habitats that led to the development of various ecosystems and biodiversity.

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Q: When the Ice Age ended the land once covered by ice was mostly?
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When ice age ended land once covered by ice was mostly?

When the ice age ended, land once covered by ice was mostly barren and devoid of vegetation. It took time for plant life to gradually colonize these areas, leading to the development of new ecosystems.

When the ice age ended the land was once covered by ice mostly?

barren with few treesIn the northern hemisphere.

When the Ice Age ended the land once covered by ice was mostly ..?

barren with few treesIn the northern hemisphere.

When the ice age ended the land once covered by ice was mostly .?

barren with few treesIn the northern hemisphere.

When the ice age ended the the land once covered by ice was mostly?

barren with few treesIn the northern Hemisphere.

When the ice age ended the land once covered in ice was mostly?

When the ice age ended, the land once covered in ice was mostly bare rock, gravel, and sediment left behind by the retreating glaciers. This barren landscape eventually underwent ecological succession as vegetation slowly colonized the area and started to transform it into a more diverse ecosystem over thousands of years.

When the ice age ended the land once covered with ice was covered with?

When the ice age ended, the land once covered with ice was covered with newly exposed land and water from melting ice sheets. This led to the formation of new landscapes and ecosystems as vegetation began to grow in the previously glaciated areas.

When the ice age ended the land which was once covered in ice was now covered in what?

When the ice age ended, the land that was once covered in ice was now covered in vegetation and water. This led to the formation of lakes, rivers, and forests as the glaciers retreated. The land also became suitable for habitation by various species of plants and animals.

When the ice aged ended the land once covered by ice was mostly?

barren with few treesIn the northern hemisphere.

When the Ice Age ended the land once coveres by ice was mostly?

When the Ice Age ended, the land that was once covered by ice experienced melting and retreat of the ice sheets, which revealed new land surfaces. This allowed for the emergence of new ecosystems as the ice retreated, including forests, grasslands, and bodies of water.

What lake once covered most of presesnt day Utah?

Present day Utah was once mostly covered by Lake Bonneville. Part of Lake Bonneville also covered parts of Nevada and Idaho.

What can fossils tells us about the past?

Well for one, It can tell us that the land was once covered in water.