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It is a physical change: the water is absorbed into the sponge-like pasta. The elements and compounds of the flour and water are not changed, and you could even dry the pasta out again (with a probable loss of quality).

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It is a phydsical process.

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Q: When spaghetti is cooked in boiling water and becomes soft is it a physical or chemical change?
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Is boiling does that changes as a physical or chemical?

Boiling is a physical change because the substance is changing from a liquid to a gas without changing its chemical composition.

Is boiling water a chemical or physical process?

Water boiling is a physical change and not a chemical reaction. In a physical reaction there is no new substance formed as is the case with chemical reactions. In boiling water there is no new substance produced.

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The boiling of water until it becomes water vapor is a physical change. This is because the water molecules are simply changing state from liquid to gas without undergoing any chemical reactions.

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Boiling point is a physical property.

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Yes, boiling point is a physical property of a substance, not a chemical property. It is the temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas phase.

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no, boiling is a physical change

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