1700 GMT is 1800 CET time. Central European Time (CET) is usually one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
18:00 CET is 17:00 GMT.
When it is 3:00 PM Central European Time (CET), it is 2:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Yes. The UK is in the GMT time zone but France is in the CET (GMT+1) time zone making France 1 hour ahead of the UK.
CET, Central European Time, is GMT+0100 in winter and GMT+0200 in summer. South African Standard Time (SAST) is GMT+0200 year-round. Thus, when it is 12:00 CET in the northern-hemisphere summer (late March until late October), it is also 12:00 SAST. When it is 12:00 CET in the northern-hemisphere winter (late October until late March), it is 13:00 SAST.
1700 GMT is 1800 CET time. Central European Time (CET) is usually one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
9.30 gmt
18:00 CET is 17:00 GMT.
"GMT" is the English time zone, "CET" is the German time zone, which is GMT +1.
When it is 3:00 PM Central European Time (CET), it is 2:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
South Africa is GMT + 2 CET is +1 So South Africa is one hour ahead of CET time.
CET, also known as GMT+1.
France is in Central European Time - CET (GMT+1)
to what corresponds 2.30 GMT in CET
Yes. The UK is in the GMT time zone but France is in the CET (GMT+1) time zone making France 1 hour ahead of the UK.
CET is Central European Time. GMT+0100(GMT Stands for Greenwich Meridian Time)EST - for what Country?--------United States EST GMT -0500Difference of - 6 hours. so 10:00am CET would be 04:00am EST (US)----------------Australia EST GMT +1000Difference of 9 hours making 10:00 move to 19:00 (07:00 PM) (BUT, due to daylight savings being in effect in this timezone you add an hour. So it is 8PM)--------