The best time. Is in the spring. Plant butterfly weed and milkweed in the spring. Adult butterflies like many nectar plants but caterpillars are fussy eaters. Monarch caterpillars need milkweed. Swallowtails like dill and carrot. Your local nursery will have a list of butterfly plants in your area.
The best time to move a camellia plant to another location in the garden is during the dormant season in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. This allows the plant to recover from transplant shock more easily and establish itself in its new location before the growing season begins.
The best time to move ferns in the garden is in the early spring or fall when the weather is cooler and there is less stress on the plant. Water the fern well a day before moving it to reduce transplant shock, and make sure to choose a new location with similar light and soil conditions for the best chances of success.
The best time to plant seeds depends on the specific plant and the climate in your area. In general, planting seeds in the spring when the soil is warm and moist is ideal for most plants. Be sure to follow the planting instructions on the seed packet for the best results.
Chives are a soft herb though they can become quite hardy when they have been in the ground for a couple of years. The best time to plant them is early Spring, providing they are quite well developed and there is no change of late frosts.
The best time to plant a garden in northeastern Pennsylvania is typically in the spring after the last frost, which is usually around mid to late May. This timing allows for warmer temperatures and longer daylight hours, which are ideal for plant growth and development. Be sure to check specific recommendations for each type of plant you want to grow.
Unfortunately, not many monsters are sure how long a plant takes to grow. There is no best time to check your garden for moshlings, as it all depends on when you plant the seeds in your garden and how happy your monster is. A good time to check if the plants have grown is the same time the next day. So, if you planted your seeds at 12:00 on a Wednesday, you could come back at 12:00 on Thursday and the flowers should have grown!
the best time to garden is in the beginning of spring because then in the summer it will bloom or grow with the rest of the natural plants
The best time to move a camellia plant to another location in the garden is during the dormant season in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. This allows the plant to recover from transplant shock more easily and establish itself in its new location before the growing season begins.
You can only plant three at a time
The best time to plant them is in the beginning of April, before the 10th.
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i think the best time to plant them is around November to give them time to grow
The summer time is the best to plant marigolds. :)
summer time is the best