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Old or damaged RBCs are removed from the circulation by macrophages in the spleen and liver, and the hemoglobin they contain is broken down into heme and globin. The globin protein may be recycled, or broken down further to its constituent amino acids, which may be recycled or metabolized. The heme contains precious iron that is conserved and reused in the synthesis of new hemoglobin molecules.

During its metabolism, heme is converted to bilirubin, a yellow pigment that can discolor the skin and sclera of the eye if it accumulates in the blood, a condition known as jaundice. Instead, the plasma protein albumin binds to bilirubin and carries it to the liver, where it is secreted in bile and also contributes to the color of feces.

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When hemoglobin is recycled, the heme group is broken down into biliverdin and then converted into bilirubin by the liver. Bilirubin is eventually excreted in bile as a waste product.

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Q: When hemoglobin is recycled what happens to the heme group?
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What role does the heme group play in the hemeglobin?

The heme group in hemoglobin is responsible for binding oxygen molecules. Each heme group contains an iron atom that can bind to oxygen, allowing hemoglobin to transport oxygen in the bloodstream.

Hemoglobin is made up of the protein heme and the red pigment globin?

Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that functions to transport oxygen throughout the body. It is composed of a heme group, which contains iron and binds with oxygen, and globin chains, which provide the structure for the heme groups. The interaction between heme and globin allows hemoglobin to efficiently transport oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues.

What is the Organometallic iron compound found in hemoglobin?

The organometallic iron compound found in hemoglobin is called heme. Heme is a complex of iron and a porphyrin molecule, specifically protoporphyrin IX, which is responsible for binding oxygen in red blood cells.

What is the important precursor of hemoglobin?

The important precursor of hemoglobin is heme, which is a component of hemoglobin that contains iron. Heme is synthesized in the mitochondria and then incorporated into hemoglobin during the final stages of red blood cell maturation.

Each heme contains an atom of iron and can transport one molecule of oxygen?

Yes, each heme group within hemoglobin contains an iron atom that binds to a single oxygen molecule. Hemoglobin as a whole can carry up to four oxygen molecules at a time, with each of its four heme groups binding to one oxygen molecule.

Related questions

What part of the hemoglobin molecule is recycled to form bile?

A portion of the heme group

After hemoglobin is broken down into heme and globin what ultimately happens to the heme?

Heme is decomposed into iron and biliverdin

What role does the heme group play in the hemeglobin?

The heme group in hemoglobin is responsible for binding oxygen molecules. Each heme group contains an iron atom that can bind to oxygen, allowing hemoglobin to transport oxygen in the bloodstream.

What ion is an essential factor in hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin contains a heme group with an Iron ion attached to it. This iron is what binds to O2.

Is heme and hemoglobin the same?

Heme + globin is Hemoglobin.

What is the iron-containing portion of the hemoglobin molecule called?

The iron containing part of hemoglobin is the 'heme' molecule.

What part of the hemoglobin molecule actually binds the oxygen molecule?

The heme group within the hemoglobin molecule is what actually binds to the oxygen molecule. This process involves the iron atom within the heme group forming a reversible coordination bond with the oxygen molecule.

In order for oxygen to be carried on the red blood cell the iron must be in the?

The name hemoglobin is derived from the words heme and globin, reflecting the fact that each subunit of hemoglobin is a globular protein with an embedded heme or iron group.

Hemoglobin is made up of the protein heme and the red pigment globin?

Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that functions to transport oxygen throughout the body. It is composed of a heme group, which contains iron and binds with oxygen, and globin chains, which provide the structure for the heme groups. The interaction between heme and globin allows hemoglobin to efficiently transport oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues.

Is the mineral that combines with a protein to from hemoglobin?

There are four atoms of iron in a molecule of hemoglobin. Each iron atom is attached to a porphyrin, forming a heme group. Each heme group is attached to a polypeptide chain. There are two alpha and two beta polypeptides. So a hemoglobin molecule has four heme groups, and four polypeptides.

What mineral is need for synthesis of hemoglobin?

Iron plays a critical role in the formation of hemoglobin.

What is the monomer for hemoglobin?

The monomer for hemoglobin is a protein subunit called a globin. Hemoglobin is composed of four globin subunits, each containing a heme group that binds to oxygen.