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solar radiation reaching the area

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competition for resources.

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Q: When habitats are destroyed there are usually fewer niches for animals and plants This action would most likely not lead to a change in the amount of?
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Why do plants and animals need your help?

Plants and animals need our help to ensure their survival and well-being in the face of threats like habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change. By taking action to protect and conserve their habitats, we can help maintain biodiversity and ensure a healthy ecosystem for all living beings.

What is the adverb in this sentence A tsunami destroyed Concepcion Chile in 1835?

There is no adverb in the sentence.An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.Examples of use of adverb in the example sentence:A tsunami tragically destroyed Concepcion Chile in 1835? (the adverb 'tragically' modifies the verb 'destroyed')A very destructive tsunami destroyed Concepcion Chile in 1835? (the adverb 'very' modifies the adjective 'destructive')A tsunami so tragically destroyed Concepcion Chile in 1835? (the adverb 'so' modifies the adverb 'tragically')

What is a modal action pattern?

A modal action pattern (MAP) is a fixed sequence of behaviors exhibited in response to specific stimuli. It is considered an instinctual response that is usually triggered by a particular situation or cue. MAPs are commonly observed in animals in situations such as mating, nesting, or feeding.

Is wave action an abiotic factor or biotic factor?

Wave action is an abiotic factor because it is a non-living physical component of the environment that can affect living organisms. It includes the movement and force of waves in bodies of water, which can shape habitats and influence the distribution and behavior of marine organisms.

What does human disturbance mean?

Human disturbance refers to any action or activity by humans that interferes with the natural environment, habitats, or ecosystems. This can include activities such as pollution, deforestation, urban development, and noise pollution, which can disrupt the balance and harm the indigenous flora and fauna in an area.

Related questions

What action of man is responsible for the danger that most species of plant and animals face today?

Hunting is one action of man that is responsible for the danger that most species of plant and animal face. Building in natural habitats where plants and animals live is another action of man that puts plants and animals in danger.

Is destroyed an action verb?

Yes, destroyed is an action verb.

When was Compassionate Action for Animals created?

Compassionate Action for Animals was created in 1998.

How does growing crops effect animals?

animals as in wildlife are effected by growing crops because their habitats are being destroyed. yes it does benefit humans and farm livestock but we need to raise the knowledge of the existence of wildlife. restrictions on land can be taken action of so that the restricted land is only used for wildlife. I'm not saying to stop growing crops because we do need to feed the growing population, all I'm suggesting is for everyone especially farmers to think of wildlife greater than they already are.

What are abscesses usually caused by?

usually caused by a bacterial infection. The pus is comprised of both living and dead organisms. It also contains destroyed tissue due to the action of white blood cells that were carried to the area to fight the infection

Why learn about endangered animals?

Learning about endangered animals is important because it helps raise awareness about the threats they face and the need for conservation efforts. By understanding these animals' roles in their ecosystems and the impact of their declining populations, we can work towards protecting and preserving their habitats for future generations. Additionally, learning about endangered animals can inspire people to take action to help save them from extinction.

Is were destroyed a verb?

Yes, "were destroyed" is a verb phrase that functions as the verb in a sentence. It is in the past tense and indicates an action that occurred.

What does animal action mean in science?

An animal action is when animals dig holes into rocks.

Which human action has interrupted the flow of energy between plants and animals?

Deforestation has significantly interrupted the flow of energy between plants and animals. By cutting down trees and destroying habitats, crucial food sources and shelter for animals are lost, disrupting the ecosystem's delicate balance. This can lead to a decline in animal populations and affect the overall biodiversity of an area.

What actors and actresses appeared in Animals in Action - 1955?

The cast of Animals in Action - 1955 includes: Pete Smith as Narrator

Is destroy a verb or an adjective?

It is a verb because a verb is an action and destroying is an action. The past participle of the verb (destroyed) is used as an adjective.

What is the definition of animal action?

The definition of animal action is when animals are in movement. The term action means to move or the state of being active. Animals are almost always in the state of being active.