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Canada officially adopted the metric system in 1970 through the Metric Conversion Act. This marked the country's transition from imperial units to metric units for measurements.

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What system of measurements did the French adopt during the French Revolution?

The metric system.

Canada's Legal system of measurement?

In some countries as Canada (ancient British colonies) the degree Fahrenheit is used.

What is Canada's legal measurement?

Canada uses the metric system

Why does most of the world use Canada' s metric system?

The metric system isn't Canada's, it belongs to the whole world, that's why the whole world uses it.

Legal system of measurement used in Canada?

the metric system is used

What is the legal system of measurement used in Canada?

the metric system

What are some of the most common units of measurement in Canada?

The nation of Canada switched from the Imperial system to the metric system of measurements in the mid-1970's. The metric system is a decimal system of measurement, which uses meters and kilograms.

Does Canada use the Metric System?

Yes, we use the Metric system. Celsius, Metres, and all that. Although most of us can use either system.

When did the us first oppose the metric system?

The U.S. first opposed the metric system in the 19th century when Congress passed the Metric Act of 1866, which allowed but did not require the use of the metric system. Since then, the U.S. has been slow to fully adopt the metric system for everyday use, despite efforts to encourage its use in certain industries.

Who decided us would go on metric system?

In the United States, the decision to adopt the metric system was made by the federal government with the passage of the Metric Conversion Act in 1975. This act declared the metric system as the preferred system of weights and measures for United States trade and commerce.

Does Mexico use Celsius?

Right. Mexico uses the decimal system (meters, liters, Celsius).

Which system would you adopt Canada or American?

America because i was born and raised in America