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Two pseudopodia are extended with microtubular action and surround the food particle. Instead of reeling the particle in the amoeba pulls itself up to the particle and then it is ingested through the cellular membrane.

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Kaylah Ward

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Q: When an amoeba engulfs a particle of food what is formed?
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What process is an amoeba using when it engulfs a food particle?

The process an amoeba uses when it engulfs a food particle is called phagocytosis. During phagocytosis, the amoeba extends its pseudopods around the food particle, forming a food vacuole. Then, enzymes are secreted into the vacuole to digest the food. The digested nutrients are absorbed by the cell.

Does an amoeba engulfs a particle of food require energy?

Yes, engulfing a particle of food by an amoeba requires energy as it involves the process of endocytosis where the cell membrane surrounds and engulfs the food particle. This process requires ATP, the cell's energy currency, to power the necessary molecular machinery.

When an ameba engulfs a particle of food what is formed?

food vacuole

Where is the food after the amoeba engulfs it?


In an amoeba a small cavity within the cytoplasm that stores food is called?

In an amoeba, the small cavity within the cytoplasm that stores food is called a food vacuole. This structure is formed when the amoeba engulfs a food particle through the process of phagocytosis, and the food vacuole serves to digest and break down the food for nutrients.

Where in amoeba does digestion occur?

Digestion in amoeba occurs in the food vacuoles, which are formed when the cell engulfs food particles through phagocytosis. The food vacuoles contain digestive enzymes that break down the food into smaller molecules, which are then absorbed by the cell for nourishment.

How does amoeba engulf solid food particles?

Amoebas use pseudopods, which are temporary extensions of their cell membrane, to surround and engulf solid food particles. Once the food particle is completely enclosed within the pseudopod, it forms a food vacuole where digestion takes place.

How ingestion takes in amoeba?

Amoebas take in food particles by surrounding them with their cell membrane, forming a food vacuole. The food vacuole then fuses with lysosomes containing enzymes that digest the food into nutrients that can be absorbed by the cell. Once digestion is complete, the remaining waste is expelled from the cell.

How do amoeba get food?

The amoeba moves its psuedopodia (false feet) around the food particle. thus a food vacuole is formed.then the amoeba secretes digestive enzymes into the food vacuole and the food particle is digested and assimilated.the waste particle is thrown out by moving the particle towards the surface of the body and it is excreted. :)

Is the food vacuole of amoeba temporary structure or permanent structure?

It is permanentaly present in amoeba and is required to take food and als excreate waste, the temporary str is gas vacoule and that to is not present in each amoebic organism

What stores food in amoeba?

Food is stored in food vacuoles within an amoeba. When an amoeba engulfs food particles through phagocytosis, the food vacuole forms around the ingested material. Enzymes then break down the food inside the vacuole for digestion.

Does amoeba engulfs require energy?

Yes, engulfing requires energy because the amoeba must expend energy to rearrange its cytoplasm and membrane to surround and engulf the food particle. This process involves active transport mechanisms to move the engulfed material inside the cell.