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The magnet is losing its magnetic connection to the fridge.

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2mo ago

Adding more paper increases the distance between the magnet and the metal surface of the refrigerator. The farther the magnet is from the metal, the weaker the magnetic force holding it in place. This reduced magnetic force can cause the magnet to fall off.

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Q: When adding more paper to a magnet on refrigerator why does it cause the magnet to fall off?
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If a refrigerator magnet can't hold apiece of paper against a refrigerator what forces are acting on it?

If the refrigerator magnet can't hold a piece of paper against the refrigerator, it may be due to the forces of gravity overcoming the magnetic force produced by the magnet. The weight of the paper pulling it down is greater than the magnetic force trying to hold it up.

What are some things that you stick to a magnet?

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How many sheets of paper can a magnet pull through?

The number of sheets a magnet can pull through will vary depending on the strength of the magnet. Generally, a typical refrigerator magnet can pull through a few sheets of paper, while a more powerful neodymium magnet could potentially pull through a thicker stack of papers.

Why the bar magnet attracts the paper clip with more force?

A bar magnet attracts a paper clip with more force compared to a refrigerator magnet because the magnetic field of the bar magnet is stronger due to its design and material composition. The shape and alignment of the magnetic domains in a bar magnet allow for a more concentrated and powerful magnetic field, resulting in a stronger pull on the paper clip.

What experiment proves a magnet's force can go through an object?

The iron filings experiment demonstrates that a magnet's force can pass through certain materials. Placing iron filings on a piece of paper and then placing a magnet underneath the paper will cause the filings to align along the magnetic field lines, showing that the magnet's force is able to pass through the paper.

Why might a magnet that sticks to your refrigerator be unable to pick up a far away paper clip?

The magnetic force weakens with distance, so the magnet may be unable to exert enough force to pick up the paper clip when it is far away. The strength of the magnetic field decreases rapidly with distance, which is why the magnet can only attract objects that are close to it.

What will happen to the paper clip when a sheet is placed between the bar magnet and the paper clip?

The paper clip will not be attracted to the bar magnet as strongly because the sheet acts as a barrier that weakens the magnetic field between the magnet and the paper clip.

Adding soap to water on wax paper?

Adding soap to water when it is on wax paper will cause it to separate. This will make it bubble up.

How come you can lift a paper clip with a magnet without touching it?

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If a paper clip is rubbed in one direction against a strong magnet what does the magnet cause to occur in the paper clip?

The strong magnet will induce a temporary magnetism in the paperclip, aligning its magnetic domains in the same direction as the magnet. This effect is known as magnetic induction, and the paperclip will exhibit magnetic properties as long as the magnet is nearby.

Does a magnet need to touch the paper clips to excert and attractive force?

No, a magnet does not need to touch the paper clips in order to exert an attractive force. The magnetic field of the magnet can attract the paper clips from a distance.

What force operates when you use a bar magnet to pick up a paper clip?

The force that operates when using a bar magnet to pick up a paper clip is magnetic force. The magnet attracts the paper clip due to the magnetic field surrounding the magnet, pulling the paper clip towards it.