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B. Cells must divide twice before meiosis is complete C. Cells produced after meiosis I are diploid. D. Cells produced after meiosis II are haploid.

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Meiosis results in the production of four new cells, each with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell. This process introduces genetic variation by creating unique combinations of genetic material through crossing over and independent assortment. Additionally, meiosis is essential for sexual reproduction in eukaryotic organisms.

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Q: When a cell undergoes meiosis one cell becomes four what also occur from meiosis?
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What would happen if meiosis doesn't occur in sexual reproduction?

Meiosis is the most important biological process in all advanced plants and animals. If this process did not occur, the production of the sex cells would not occur. This is also referred to as a type of chromosome reduction division. Hence, that is how the sexual cells (gametes) have only half the number of chromosomes as the other body cells of that organism. So if meiosis didn't occur, sexual reproduction could not occur.

In which part of a plant would meiosis occur?

mitosis occurs in pollen sacs contained in the anther of the stamen and also in the ovule of the carpel. Edited answer: Mitosis takes place at all growing points (apical and intercalary) to increase the number of somatic cells.

5 different between mitosis and meiosis and 5 same between mitosis and meiosis give me a list plz?

Differences: # Cells undergoing mitosis divide once, cells undergoing meiosis divide twice. # Mitosis is for cell replication, meiosis is for genetic recombination and to produce reproductive cells # Meiosis does not produce exact copies, mitosis does # Crossing over occurs in meiosis # Mitosis produces diploid cells, meiosis produces haploid Similarities: # Both duplicate the organism's genome once, before any duplication occurs # Metaphase plates occur in both # Centrioles exist in both # They share the same basic steps for division # Both occur in eukaryotic cells

What produces new cells with each having half as many chromosomes as the original cell?

Meiosis produces new cells with half as many chromosomes as the original cell. During meiosis, a diploid cell undergoes two rounds of division to produce four haploid daughter cells, each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

How do chlamydomonas reproduce?

Chlamydomonas reproduce through a process called binary fission, splitting into two daughter cells. They can also reproduce sexually through the fusion of gametes, which results in the formation of a zygote that undergoes meiosis to produce new genetically diverse individuals.

Related questions

What produces spores?

The sporophyte stage of a plant undergoes meiosis which produces haploid spores. Spores can also be produced during meiosis in the plant life cycle.

Why do sexual reproductiong organism needs both mitosis and meiosis?

Meiosis is also termed as reduction division. first the diploid(2n) gamete undergoes meiosis to become haploid(1n) then fertilization takes place. For growth and development mitosis is necessary. Meiosis is needed to half the chromosomes number . For example in human there are 46 chromosomes. if fertilization takes place without meiosis then the resulting organism would have 92 chromosomes which off course will not be a human!

What is meiosis about?

Meiosis is Sexual Reproduction, unlike Mitosis, that is responsible for cell growth and other functions. Meiosis has the same phases as Mitosis except that it undergoes those phase twice (Meiosis l and ll). This results in 4 daughter cells, unlike Mitosis which results in only 2 daughter cells. Also, in Mitosis the daughter cells are identical to the original cell, while in Meiosis, it increases genetic variation, because it has characteristics of both parent cells.

Do crossovers usually occur during mitosis?

No, crossovers do not occur during mitosis. Crossovers, also known as genetic recombination, happen during meiosis, specifically during prophase I. Mitosis is the cell division process that results in two identical daughter cells, while meiosis is the cell division process that results in four genetically unique daughter cells.

What would happen if meiosis doesn't occur in sexual reproduction?

Meiosis is the most important biological process in all advanced plants and animals. If this process did not occur, the production of the sex cells would not occur. This is also referred to as a type of chromosome reduction division. Hence, that is how the sexual cells (gametes) have only half the number of chromosomes as the other body cells of that organism. So if meiosis didn't occur, sexual reproduction could not occur.

Explain how meiosis creates genetic diversity in populations.-?

 Meiosis creates genetic diversity due to the processes that occur during meiosis. Such as crossing over which creates new gene combinations due homlogous chromosomes swapping or exchanging DNA segments. Independent assortment is also during meiosis and allows the random assortment of homologous chromosomes during metaphase 1.

Explain how meiosis creates genetic diversity in populations.?

  Meiosis creates genetic diversity due to the processes that occur during meiosis, such as crossing over which creates new gene combinations due homologous chromosomes swapping or exchanging DNA segments. Independent assortment is also during meiosis and allows the random assortment of homologous chromosomes during metaphase 1.

In which part of a plant would meiosis occur?

mitosis occurs in pollen sacs contained in the anther of the stamen and also in the ovule of the carpel. Edited answer: Mitosis takes place at all growing points (apical and intercalary) to increase the number of somatic cells.

Does crossing over occur in meiosis?

Yes, crossing over occurs during meiosis. It is the process where homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material, increasing genetic variation among offspring. This occurs during prophase I of meiosis.

What character in The Metamorphasis other than gregor also undergoes a change in appearance?

Gregor's sister, Grete, also undergoes a transformation in appearance in "The Metamorphosis." Initially portrayed as caring and responsible, she eventually becomes cold and distant towards Gregor, reflecting her own psychological metamorphosis throughout the story.

Does replication occur during interkinesis?

No because the chromosomes are already duplicated No. DNA replication does not occur during interkinesis. Interkinesis is a breif rest period between meiosis I and meiosis II. In some species, daughter cells do not form, and meiosis II follows right after meiosis I. No. Because at this point, the first division of meiosis is complete. The cell now rests for a bit before beginning the second meiotic division. During this period, called interkinesis, the nuclear membrane in each of the two cells reforms around the chromosomes. In some cells, the spindle also disintegrates and the chromosomes relax (although most often, the spindle remains intact).

Is a product of meiosis?

The process of meiosis produces pronography, also called sexual perversion.