

Best Answer

Animal, Nut, Farm, Freak, Power- there are various combinations- Powerhouse, wheelhouse, nut House (usually a noun clause- two words) Freak House- that is what you are thinking of, I can tell.


dog, hen, out, crack, green, poor, tree, fun, halfway, ice, club, bath, church, beach, lake, rent, town, steak, bait, haunted, road, jail, death, doll, nut, guest, light, pool, fire, school, white, bunk, pent, ranch, guard, cat, frat, court, boat, glass, brick, animal, sorority, trailer, safe, hot, bird, toll, state, dream, store, farm, well, whore, gingerbread, smoke, steak, ware,

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9mo ago

Some words that can go before "house" include: big, small, red, white, old, new, brick, wooden, and haunted.

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