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The four major moon phases, which are about a week apart, are

  • new moon,
  • first quarter,
  • full moon, and
  • last quarter.

As the amount of sunlight we see on the moon increases from new moon to full moon, the moon is said to be waxing. As that amount decreases from full moon to new moon, the moon is said to be waning. Also, when less than half of the visible side of the moon is lit, it is called a crescent, and when more than half is lit, it is called gibbous. Inserting into the list of moon phases the descriptions of the moon between phases gives us the following list:
  • new moon
  • waxing crescent
  • first quarter
  • waxing gibbous
  • full moon
  • waning gibbous
  • last quarter
  • waning crescent
  • (new moon)
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Q: What will the moon phase be tomorrow?
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Is tomorrow a waxing or waning moon?

It depends on the current phase of the moon. If the moon is progressing from a new moon toward a full moon, it is waxing. If the moon is decreasing from a full moon toward a new moon, it is waning. You can check a lunar calendar or use a moon phase app to determine whether tomorrow's moon is waxing or waning.

What will the moon look like tomorrow night?

I'm unable to provide real-time information about specific future dates. You can check a moon phase calendar or a weather app for an accurate prediction of what the moon will look like tomorrow night in your location.

What moon will be out tomorrow night?

I'm not able to provide real-time or future specific information about the moon's phases. You can check a lunar calendar or a stargazing app for accurate and up-to-date information on which moon phase will be visible tomorrow night.

What is the phase of the moon today?

The phase of the Moon varies each day. You posted this question on November 24, 2010. On that day, the Moon was waning gibbous with 89% of the Moon's visible disk illuminated.

Which phase of the moon is the dark phase of the Moon?

New Moon.

Which phase of the Moon comes immediately before the new Moon phase?

The phase of the Moon that comes immediately before the new Moon phase is the waning crescent phase.

What is a waxing and waning crescent moon?

A waxing Moon can be seen when the Moon is larger in the sky, and is moving from the new Moon phase, and into the full Moon phase. A waning Moon is seen when the Moon is visibly smaller in the sky, and is moving from the full Moon phase, and into the new Moon phase.

Which phase of the Moon occurs when the Moon is three-quarters full just before the full Moon phase?

The phase of the Moon that occurs when it is three-quarters full just before the full Moon phase is the waxing gibbous phase. This phase occurs as the Moon is waxing, or growing larger, towards the full Moon.

What phase is the moon in when it is not visible from Earth?

New Moon Phase

In what phase can we not see the Moon from Earth?

In the new Moon phase.

What is phase is the moon in when it is visible from earth?

New Moon Phase

If the moon is in its new phase tonight what phase will it be in a week from tonight?

The moon will be in its first quarter phase a week from tonight after the new moon phase.