Not many people know this but infact the first dinosaur to die was a 'hobosaurus'
The first dinosaur to die would have been one of the earliest species of dinosaurs that lived during the Triassic period, over 230 million years ago. As more and more dinosaur species evolved, the initial species eventually went extinct. It is not possible to pinpoint the exact species that was the first to die.
The first dinosaur fossil found in Antarctica was discovered in 1986 near the Beardmore Glacier. It was a small theropod dinosaur and provided important insights into the prehistoric fauna of the continent.
The first dinosaur fossil was found in Haddonfield, New Jersey, USA in 1858. It was the Hadrosaurus foulkii, a duck-billed dinosaur.
The first dinosaur was named by Sir Richard Owen, a British scientist, in 1842. He coined the term "dinosaur" to describe the ancient reptiles whose fossils had been discovered.
Joseph Tyrrell found his first major fossil discovery, a partial skull of a dinosaur, in 1884 in Alberta, Canada. This discovery led to the excavation of the nearly complete dinosaur skeleton, now known as "Albertosaurus".
The bones were the oldest:)
The first dinosaur was Eoraptor.
The dinosaur mother came first. Both the dinosaur mother and father were needed to produce the egg where the dinosaur baby came from.
The first dinosaur was about the size of a horse.
William Buckland found megalosaurus as the first dinosaur.
The first dinosaur to be described scientifically was Megalosaurus in 1824.
Cryolophosaurus was the first dinosaur discovered in antarctica
That's A Good Question! The First Dinosaur Was The Euraptor. It Was The Size Of A Chicken! I Think Looking At A Dinosaur The Size Of A Chicken Is HILARIUS!
the first founded dinosaur is the iguanadon
The dinosaur egg always comes first. Every dinosaur starts is life as an egg. It is like asking what comes first birth, childhood, adulthood, middle age or death.
Earl Douglass discovered utah's first dinosaur
The first stage in dinosaur times (the Mesozoic Era) was the Triassic.