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It is the reverse: Np-235 decay to U-235 by electron capture.

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An alpha particle is emitted when U-235 decays to Np-235. An alpha particle consists of 2 protons and 2 neutrons, and it has a positive charge.

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Q: What type of particle is emitted when U-235 decays to Np-235?
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What type of nuclear decay does Uranium undergo?

Uranium can undergo both alpha decay and beta decay. In alpha decay, the nucleus emits an alpha particle composed of two protons and two neutrons. In beta decay, the nucleus emits a beta particle (electron or positron) to move towards a more stable configuration.

What is conserved during nuclear disintegration?

During nuclear disintegration, the total number of protons and neutrons (nucleons) is conserved. This means that the sum of the nucleons in the parent nucleus will be equal to the sum of the nucleons in the daughter nuclei and any emitted particles. Additionally, charge and energy are also conserved during nuclear disintegration.

Is uranium nuclear fuel?

Yes, U233, U235, and U238 are all used as nuclear fuels.

When a unstable radioactive atom degrades what happens to it?

When an unstable radioactive atom decays, it releases energy in the form of radiation in order to become more stable. This decay process can result in the emission of alpha or beta particles, gamma rays, or the formation of a new element altogether.

What isotope is formed when uranium 235 emits an alpha particle?

You get this answer by performing the following: Mass # Mass # 4 Atomic # Parent symbol -> Atomic # Daughter symbol + 2 He 238 234 4 92 U -> 90 Th + 2 He Both sides must equal the same thing, so if you figure out what plus 4 = 238 and what plus 2 = 92, you can figure out the element is formed through decay. The resulting element in this case is Thorium.

Related questions

What type of nuclear decay does Uranium undergo?

Uranium can undergo both alpha decay and beta decay. In alpha decay, the nucleus emits an alpha particle composed of two protons and two neutrons. In beta decay, the nucleus emits a beta particle (electron or positron) to move towards a more stable configuration.

What is conserved during nuclear disintegration?

During nuclear disintegration, the total number of protons and neutrons (nucleons) is conserved. This means that the sum of the nucleons in the parent nucleus will be equal to the sum of the nucleons in the daughter nuclei and any emitted particles. Additionally, charge and energy are also conserved during nuclear disintegration.

Evaluation of energy output of U 235 compared to Pu 238?

I think you mean Pu-239, but we'll look at both Pu-239 and Pu-238 We'll compare to aspects, the decay energy and the fissile energy. First the decay energy. U235 alpha decays and releases 4.679 MeV in the process Pu238 alpha decays and releases 5.593 MeV Pu239 alpha decays and releases 5.245 MeV For the fissile energy. U235 fissiling releases 202.5 MeV Pu238 does not sustain a fissile, but the spontaneous fissile is 204.66 MeV Pu239 fissilings releases 207.1 MeV Pu238, because it does not sustain a fissile (though it does go through spontaneuos fissile) and because it does not emit much other stuff, other then the alpha particle, it works great as a nuclear battery. For example 8 oz of Pu238 will power the average laptop for about 29 years, without ever needing to be recharged or replaced.

Why is large mass of uranium-235 needed for a chain reaction?

Each time a U235 atom decays, it emits 2-3 neutrons. The likelihood that one of these neutrons is captured by another U235 atom INCREASES with more mass. The SHAPE of this mass will also play a role, imagine a thin wire of U235, compared to a sphere, with regards to how likely a chain reaction will occur. Neutron reflection can also help redirect an errant neutron back into the mass so it can react instead. Compression (increase of density) plays a role as well.

How many neutrons are in Element 92?

Element number 92 is Uranium and there are two main isotopes - U235 and U238. In U235 there are 92 protons so there are 235 - 92 = 143 neutrons. In U238 there are thus 146 neutrons

How much 1kg of u235 can produce electricity in areactor?

It is estimated that 1 kilogram of U235 can produce approximately 24,000 MWh of electricity in a nuclear reactor. This amount can vary depending on the efficiency of the reactor and the specific conditions of operation.

What is the difference between using uranium for power or bombs?

In power reactors the fuel is uranium enriched slightly to about 4 percent U235 (the fissile isotope), whereas for a bomb you need the U235 as high as possible, in the high 90's I believe.

What is U235?

Uranium-235 (U235) is a naturally occurring isotope of uranium that is used in nuclear weapons and nuclear power generation. It is important because it is fissile, meaning it can sustain a nuclear chain reaction. U235 is relatively rare, making up only about 0.7% of naturally occurring uranium.

What isotopes are in this process?

which process & which isotope u mention 1. nuclear reaction U235 & Pu239

Is uranium nuclear fuel?

Yes, U233, U235, and U238 are all used as nuclear fuels.

The concentration of U235 in the atomic bomb?

The concentration of U235 in an atomic bomb is typically enriched to around 90% or higher. This high level of enrichment is necessary for sustaining a chain reaction that releases a large amount of energy in a short period of time, leading to the explosive power of the bomb.

What are in nuclear bombs?

Enough of either U235 or PU239 to form a critical mass and hence a large explosion