Valparaiso is in Central Daylight Saving Time (UTC - 5 hours) from March to November and Central Standard Time (UTC - 6 hours) from November to March.
Winamac, Indiana is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET).
New Albany, Indiana is in the Eastern Time Zone.
Bristol, Indiana is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET).
Indiana is in the Eastern Time Zone in the United States, while Italy is in the Central European Time Zone. Italy is usually 6 hours ahead of Indiana, but this can vary by one hour during Daylight Saving Time changes.
If it is 12pm in Illinois, it is also 12pm in Indiana. Illinois and Indiana fall within the Central Time Zone, so they are in the same time zone.
Valparaiso, Indiana is in the Central Time Zone.
Valparaiso University was created in 1859.
· Valparaiso, Indiana
Winamac, Indiana is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET).
The address of the Memorial Opera House is: 104 Indiana Ave, Valparaiso, IN 46383-5603
over 30,000
New Albany, Indiana is in the Eastern Time Zone.
Bristol, Indiana is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET).
Google Earth gives the driving time as approximately 19-21 minutes - depending on which route you take.
Please read your pharmacy label again. Possibly Valtrex? Valparaiso is in Chile, Indiana , and Nebraska.
Valparaiso Indiana is where orvill is from
Indiana is in the Eastern Time Zone in the United States, while Italy is in the Central European Time Zone. Italy is usually 6 hours ahead of Indiana, but this can vary by one hour during Daylight Saving Time changes.