1pm EST is 6pm GMT. EST is 5 hours behind GMT.
10AM PST is 1PM EST on the east coast.
The time in London is 5 hours ahead Eastern time. If it is 1:00 p.m. Eastern time, the time in London is 6:00 p.m.
If it's 2pm EST, it would be 1pm CST. Central Standard Time (CST) is one hour behind Eastern Standard Time (EST).
You haven't stated where you are or your local time zone so this cannot be answered.
1pm EST is 6pm GMT. EST is 5 hours behind GMT.
10AM PST is 1PM EST on the east coast.
It is 1pm in Ireland.
If it is 1:00 PM EST it is 10.30 PM in India.
The time in London is 5 hours ahead Eastern time. If it is 1:00 p.m. Eastern time, the time in London is 6:00 p.m.
1pm EST
If it's 2pm EST, it would be 1pm CST. Central Standard Time (CST) is one hour behind Eastern Standard Time (EST).
You haven't stated where you are or your local time zone so this cannot be answered.
There are two different time zones abbreviated EST. 1 PM CET = 7 AM EST in North America and 10 PM EST in Australia.
1pm EST
4pm EST is 1pm PST. There is a 3-hour difference between Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Pacific Standard Time (PST).
8AM EST is equivalent to 1PM GMT.