Noon EDT is 9:00 AM in California. California is 3 hours behind Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
9:00pm EDT is 2:00am the next day in Nigeria. Nigeria is in the West Africa Time (WAT) zone, which is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
9 PM EDT is 6 PM PDT. There is a 3-hour time difference between Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
9AM EDT is equivalent to 6:30PM IST time. This is because there is a 9.5 hour time difference between Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and Indian Standard Time (IST).
When it is 9am EDT in the United States, it is typically 6:30pm IST in India. India is 9.5 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time.
Noon EDT is 9:00 AM in California. California is 3 hours behind Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
9 am
9:37am edt.
9:37am edt.
5 pm dubai time. Add 4 minutes to Abu Dhabi and minus 6 minutes for Fujairah
9:00pm EDT is 2:00am the next day in Nigeria. Nigeria is in the West Africa Time (WAT) zone, which is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
9 PM EDT is 6 PM PDT. There is a 3-hour time difference between Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
9 am in the Pacific Time Zone would mean it is 7 pm in Greece
In Romania the hour is 9 p.m.
9AM EDT is equivalent to 6:30PM IST time. This is because there is a 9.5 hour time difference between Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and Indian Standard Time (IST).
9:00 EDT on CBS
at 9:04 PM EDT