Kenyan time is 3 hours ahead of GMT. Therefore, 8 AM - 8 PM GMT is equivalent to 11 AM - 11 PM in Kenyan time.
8am GMT is 11am Kenyan time, while 8pm GMT is 11pm Kenyan time, so the time difference remains constant at 3 hours.
At 8AM GMT, it would be 4PM in Malaysia because Malaysia is 8 hours ahead of GMT.
California is Pacific Time, GMT-8.
11.30 GMT is 7.30 PM in Malaysia. Malaysia is 8 hours ahead of GMT.
Kenyan time is 3 hours ahead of GMT. Therefore, 8 AM - 8 PM GMT is equivalent to 11 AM - 11 PM in Kenyan time.
8am GMT is 11am Kenyan time, while 8pm GMT is 11pm Kenyan time, so the time difference remains constant at 3 hours.
At 8AM GMT, it would be 4PM in Malaysia because Malaysia is 8 hours ahead of GMT.
California is Pacific Time, GMT-8.
11.30 GMT is 7.30 PM in Malaysia. Malaysia is 8 hours ahead of GMT.
To calculate GMT from Pacific Time, subtract 8 hours. For example, if it is 12:00 PM Pacific Time, the equivalent time in GMT would be 8:00 PM.
GMT + 8 hrs = EST + 13 hrs
The east coast of Australia is at GMT +10 hours The west coast of Australia is at GMT +8 hours Beijing is at GMT +8 hours
It would be 0100 in Manila at 1700 GMT, as there is a 8-hour difference between GMT and Philippine Time, with Manila being 8 hours ahead of GMT.
13 hours
In terms of time zones? England is in GMT+0 while Mexico is on GMT-6, GMT-7 and GMT-8
11am PCT is 7pm GMT. This is because Pacific Time (PCT) is 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).