5 AM Pacific Standard Time = 1 PM Greenwich Mean Time
California is Pacific Time, GMT-8.
Pacific Standard from GMT is -8 hours. So 04.00am Pacific when 12.00 noon Greenwich London. Pacific Daylight saving time is thus 7 Hours behind Greenwich Mean Time - but still 8 hours behind British Summer Time.
Pacific standard Time is 8 hours earlier than GMT. 7:30 AM GMT is 11:30 PM Pacific standard Time the day prior to the current day.
To calculate GMT from Pacific Time, subtract 8 hours. For example, if it is 12:00 PM Pacific Time, the equivalent time in GMT would be 8:00 PM.
5 AM Pacific Standard Time = 1 PM Greenwich Mean Time
California is Pacific Time, GMT-8.
Pacific Standard from GMT is -8 hours. So 04.00am Pacific when 12.00 noon Greenwich London. Pacific Daylight saving time is thus 7 Hours behind Greenwich Mean Time - but still 8 hours behind British Summer Time.
Pacific standard Time is 8 hours earlier than GMT. 7:30 AM GMT is 11:30 PM Pacific standard Time the day prior to the current day.
To calculate GMT from Pacific Time, subtract 8 hours. For example, if it is 12:00 PM Pacific Time, the equivalent time in GMT would be 8:00 PM.
No, GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is the time standard at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, while Pacific Standard Time (PST) is the time zone used in the Pacific Time Zone of the United States and Canada. GMT is commonly used as the reference point for time across the globe, while PST specifically refers to the time in the western part of North America.
11 AM Australian Central Daylight Saving Time = 12:30 AM GMT 11 AM Australian Central Standard Time = 1:30 AM GMT 11 AM Central Indonesian Time = 3 AM GMT 11 AM Central Africa Time and Central European Summer Time = 9 AM GMT 11 AM Central European Time = 10 AM GMT 11 AM American Central Daylight Saving Time = 4 PM GMT 11 AM American Central Standard Time = 5 PM GMT
Edinburgh is in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time zone. During Daylight Saving Time, it follows British Summer Time (BST), which is GMT+1.
7 am, Pacific Standard Time 8 am, Pacific Daylight Time (from mid-March through early November)
The U.K. is 8 hours ahead of Pacific Time. So, 11:59 AM Pacific Time is 7:59 PM GMT (Greenwich Mean Time, the time zone that the UK is on), and 11:59 PM Pacific Time is 7:59 AM GMT.
London time is typically the same as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) during the winter months. However, during Daylight Saving Time, London follows British Summer Time (BST), which is GMT+1. This means that there is a one-hour difference between London time and GMT during this period.
London (Greenwich Mean Time or GMT) is 8 hours ahead of Los Angeles (Pacific Standard Time or PST), so if it's 10am in LA, it's 6pm in London.