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Textures of volcanic rocks include aphantitic (mineral grains are present but microscopic) , porphyritic (some grains are visible to the naked eye), glassy (all or much of the rock lacks a crystalline structure), and vesicular (solidified gas bubbles are present).

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Volcanic rocks can have a variety of textures depending on how they are formed. Common textures include glassy (smooth and shiny), vesicular (with holes from gas bubbles), and porphyritic (large crystals in a fine-grained matrix). Some volcanic rocks can also have a rough, jagged texture due to their sharp edges and angular features.

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Q: What texture does a volcanic rock have?
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Describe and explain the difference in the crystalline texture of volcanic rock and rock formed from an intrusion?

Volcanic rock forms from lava that cools quickly on the earth's surface, resulting in fine-grained texture due to rapid cooling. Intrusive rock forms from magma that cools slowly beneath the earth's surface, resulting in a coarse-grained texture due to slower cooling. The difference in cooling rates influences the size and arrangement of mineral crystals within the rock.

What rock group does obsidan belong to?

Obsidian falls under the group of Extrusive Volcanic Rock of very fine texture. Obsidian is generally called Volcanic Glass.

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Metamorphic rock, such as schist or gneiss, can be formed when volcanic rock is altered by heat and pressure. This process can cause the mineral composition and texture of the rock to change, resulting in a new type of rock with different features than the original volcanic rock.

What rocks have a pyroclastic texture?

Volcanic rocks such as tuff and ignimbrite typically have a pyroclastic texture. These rocks are formed from the accumulation of volcanic ash, pumice, and other volcanic fragments that are deposited during explosive volcanic eruptions. The fragments are welded together upon cooling to form a solid rock.

Describe the texture of obsidian?

Obsidian is a hard, dark volcanic rock that is formed by the rapid solidification of lava. Its texture is glassy and shiny black.

What is a volcanic rock that contains pyroxene and has a fine grained texture?

A volcanic rock that fits your description is basalt. Basalt is dark-colored, fine-grained, and contains pyroxene minerals such as augite and pigeonite. It forms from the rapid cooling of lava on the Earth's surface.

What texture is a pumice?

Pumice is a volcanic rock that is so full of gas bubbles that is it very light, and rough surfaced.

How do Igneous rock with glassy textures?

An igneous rock with a glassy texture cooled from its' liquid state very quickly, an example of this would be obsidian, a volcanic glass.

What is a light porous volcanic rock called?

Pumice is a light, porous volcanic rock that is commonly used in beauty and skincare products for exfoliation. It forms when volcanic lava rapidly cools and traps gases, creating its characteristic porous texture.

What type of rock has little to no grain development and has a vesicular texture?

A rock with little to no grain development and a vesicular texture is typically called a vesicular rock. It is formed from a volcanic eruption, where gases trapped in the lava create bubbles or vesicles. The most common example is vesicular basalt.

What type of rock is porous volcanic rock?

Porous volcanic rock is commonly classified as either pumice or scoria. Pumice is often lighter in color and has a very porous texture due to the presence of numerous gas bubbles, while scoria is darker and similarly porous but is typically more dense than pumice. Both are formed from volcanic eruptions and can float on water.

What are the properties of Rhyolitic?

1.It is extrusive volcanic rock white,grey or black in color has fine grained or aphanatic texture