the bacteria makes you sick.
Rhinovirus is not a bacteria. It is a virus. The name means 'nose virus' and often causes what we call the common cold.
No, steady state in a bacterial population means that the birth rate equals the death rate, resulting in a stable population size. Bacteria are still dying in a steady state, but the rate of death is balanced by the rate of reproduction.
A pathogenic bacteria is capable of causing disease in its host organism by invading tissues and compromising the host's immune response. It can produce toxins or release harmful enzymes that contribute to the development of illness or infection.
There are many types of bacteria that appear biologically in a septic system. Those that exist in the septic tank help to manage waste and organic substance. Septic bacteria naturally give off gases that break down the organic substance in the waste water causing bad odor. Some septic bacteria are intended to restore and preserve all miscarried septic systems.
the bacteria makes you sick.
Toxic refers to a substance that can cause harm, injury, or death when it comes into contact with living organisms.
Rhinovirus is not a bacteria. It is a virus. The name means 'nose virus' and often causes what we call the common cold.
Not very much. The Black death is caused by a bacteria and the swine flu by a virus. The Black death caused 15 million deaths world wide but people never heard about bacteria before and had no means to stop it (an antibiotic). The flu also causes deaths today but we do have a vaccine and it can be prevented. The Black Death infected the lymph system. The flu causes a severe upper respiratory infection.
Bacteriocidal - kills bacteria. Bacteriostatic - means that it arrests the growth of bacteria, but the bacteria is not killed. It can repopulate the disinfected area once the antimicrobial substance is removed.
A death by "natural causes" means any death that isn't attributed to outside forces like poison, for example. A natural death could be death caused by sickness or heart attack, among other things.
You could say deathly, or death-like. Another adjective which means to do with death is morbid. Something which causes death is fatal.
It means that consuming the substance could result in death or serious harm.
it means that the chemical or substance is poisonous
food poisoning means illness caused by poisonous and caúsed by eating food contanimated with bacteria.